Anegla Knight

Anegla Knight General Manager of U.S. Operations Angela joined CBS in 2005 and oversees all U.S. operations. She always brings innovative ideas for continuous improvement.

Cathy Platanitis

Job Titles:
  • Human Resources and Administration Manager
Cathy has been with CBS with over 30 years. Known for her hard work and people-oriented personality, she brings a positive energy to the daily operations.

Chris Ladas

Job Titles:
  • Corporate Controller
Chris joined CBS in 2008 and has been an integral part of all aspects in finance and administration at CBS. He has been a key leader within the organization and is very active in key decisions within CBS.

George Salonikidis

Job Titles:
  • Executive Vice President of Sales
  • Finance
George started in 1993 as a sales representative and rose to executive VP in 2006. George was also involved in the U.S. acquisitions back in 1999, 2001 and 2003. George is known for his people-driven personality and travels extensively to meet and listen to our clients.

Gerry Papayanatos

Job Titles:
  • Operations Manager
Gerry started as a supervisor in 2012. His hard work and kind character has been indispensable to CBS's customers and business.

Kirk Salonikidis

Job Titles:
  • Supervisor
  • Vice President of Operations
Kirk joined the company as supervisor in 1997 and since 2007, oversees all Canadian operations and sales. Known for his personable nature and forward-driven outlook, he has successfully expanded the business's presence across Quebec and into Ontario and various U.S. states.

Peter Salonikidis - President

Job Titles:
  • President
Peter started in 1991 as a supervisor and has been CBS's president since 2005. He has been instrumental in growing our U.S. operations through strategic acquisitions between 1999 and 2003. He is a hands-on results-oriented leader who looks to technology to improve efficiency and increase employee productivity.