DIGITAL YAK - Key Persons

Davina Pfeil

Job Titles:
  • Social Media Manager
Avid traveller Davina, found her love of Social Media when she spent time sharing her images and experiences of her around the world trip across the different social media platforms, initially for her friends and family before she cultivated quite a following! Now Davina uses her experience to share our client's stories, products, promotions, news and services across the full range of platforms engaging with a wide range of target audiences.

Lindsey Wilkinson - CMO

Job Titles:
  • Marketing Director
Storytelling has always been a passion for Lindsey, it led her to study Classics at UCL because she loved the Greek & Roman Myths, and eventually to marketing where creating words and corporate stories around brands comes naturally. Blogger for a wide range of sectors and writer for brands and companies across the UK Lindsey also manages the Digital Yak team of copywriters and social media planners along with developing structured marketing plans for clients.

Matilda Wilkinson - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Founder
‘Pretty Geeky' is how most people describe Digital Yak's leading lady and head designer - although the team sometimes call her other things! Always arty and with a passion for all things Sci-Fi Tilda has managed to combine her passions of creative design and computers into her dream job and is never happier than when starting the design process for a new project. Outside of the office you will find Tilda Hill Walking or Climbing, (Hence the name Digital Yak - after a trek to Everest Base Camp), at a Star Trek Convention or playing geeky board games!

Pete Taylor

Avid tabletop gamer Pete really shows off his strategic skills when battling for victory points on a board game or when creating content and graphics for our varied client list. An animator, and lover of all things arts based, Pete combines creativity and logic to fulfil clients briefs on a variety of platforms. A believer in magic, (specifically Disney Magic!) and creator of new worlds within animation, Pete is a valued member of our team!

Steve Lancaster

Job Titles:
  • Developer
  • Head
Steve was the one at school who really understood in the maths lessons! Our expert developer and coding impresario is often not seen for days when he gets his head into something and his favourite phrase before starting a new website is ‘OK - I'm going in'. Unsurprisingly one of Steve's favourite movies is the Matrix and when not looking at lines and lines of code he can be found at music festivals or journeying to another pub from the CAMRA Real Ale guide book.