Bach Flower

Bach Flower Practitioners use Star of Bethlehem regularly - because none of us is immune from experiencing traumatic events. Since our energies respond to traumas both large and small, we are often in need of this Bach Flower Essence to clear the blockages and allow us to return to normal. Dr. Bach is a fine example of the positive Walnut type. When he let go of social approval, financial security, and the traditions of orthodox medicines and set forth to categorize and identify what became known as the Bach Flower Essences, he made a major change in life and followed his goal while ignoring the disapproval of friends and former colleagues. Walnut is the flower essence to use any time a voluntary major life change is in the offing. This may be a change in residence, in occupation, or in companionship. It occurs when moving to a new community or country, upon starting a family, on contemplating divorce, when beginning retirement, and when voluntarily moving from one's home into a retirement home. It also occurs during the natural changes of life over which one has no power. These include teething, puberty, menopause, or the terminal stages of a disease. All major changes are times of increased stress, which lead to an increase in inner instability. Even those who are normally stable and sure of themselves can slide into a negative Walnut state at those times, and become unsure of taking the next step - the one that would make the change irreversible - or at least difficult to reverse. The person in a negative Walnut state may wish to go forward, but be held back, tied to the past by forces he may or may not recognize. This could be a karmic bond or the subconscious effect of a wrong decision made long ago. It could be the boring stability of a present job combined with the insecurity of starting a new business. For some who want to change a part of their lives that is not satisfying, "The devil they know" may suddenly seem safer than reaching into the unknown. Dr. Bach called this Bach Flower Remedy the "breaker of spells," for it's ability to untie the bonds that hold one to the past. After treatment, and back in a positive Walnut state, this personality will at last be free from shadows of the past. He will be open to inner inspiration and free from outside influence. Like Dr. Bach, he could be a pioneer - going forward while always remaining true to himself. Walnut, because of its ability to break ties with the past and allow a person to go forward with confidence, is often used in treating nicotine addiction. It has also been shown to have a stabilizing effect upon chiropractic adjustment - where chronic sufferers often must repeat the same manipulations and treatments over and over.

Cherry Plum

The negative Cherry Plum state is nothing if not dangerous. In this state, individuals may feel as though they are about to lose their minds or "explode." Many fear that they will commit acts of extreme violence. Others harbour thoughts of suicide - either physically or at a mental level.

Chestnut Bud

When Dr. Bach formulated his Bach Flower Essences, no one was speaking about Attention Deficit Disorder, but it would appear that those in the negative Chestnut Bud state do suffer from the condition. These could come from personal relationships, such as an argument with a loved one, or from job-related stresses.

Rock Rose

Rock Rose is one of the Bach Flower Essences contained in Feel5ive Remedy - the pre-mixed remedy that comes to the rescue when we're faced with stressful, fearful situations. This essence helps build courage and alleviate terror. Examples of people in the negative Rock Rose state include those who have just been given the news of a life-threatening accident or illness; children who awaken screaming from a nightmare and can't calm down enough to go back to sleep; or persons who have narrowly escaped a serious accident and are still shaking with fear. This is a state of frozen fear that has been aptly described as a "punch in the stomach," and that is an apt description, because the solar plexus is at the center of the nervous system, which has suddenly been rendered unable to cope. The fear emanated by individuals in this negative state pervades the whole aura to an extent that some sensitives have actually been able to give a physical description of it.

Shara Bradshaw

Job Titles:
  • Office Manager
Shara Bradshaw, Office Manager, is in charge of the day to day operations and will help to ensure you are headed on the correct path for you to reach your highest potential. In addition to front desk responsibilities, Shara also performs restorative Therapies and assists Dr. Hambrick in the treatment rooms. Shara is a certified Biofield Tuning Practitioner and offers this service through the office. Contact us for more information.

Sweet Chestnut

When describing the Bach Flower Essences, Dr. Bach said that Sweet Chestnut "Is the (remedy) for that terrible, that appalling mental despair when it seems the very soul itself is suffering destruction. It is the hopeless despair of those who feel they have reached the limit of their endurance." A person in the negative Sweet Chestnut state feels completely alone, helpless, hopeless, and unprotected. The emptiness and the despair are acute, yet he harbours no thoughts of suicide. This person fears breaking down under the stress and works hard to keep his anguish from other people. He may be recognized by phrases like "I don't know what to do," or "I'm at my wit's end," but he will not admit to the despair he's feeling. You may recognize him by the fact that no words of hope will enter his conversation, because he has none. Sweet Chestnut is one of the mostly strongly negative soul states, but does not always show up in its most extreme form. Interestingly, the extreme negative Sweet Chestnut state is often the beginning of a transformation into a new and much better life. This is an emergency state - a "dark night" for the soul - a time when old beliefs and patterns break apart and make room for new levels of consciousness, and even to a new connection to God. The negative state will resist the change, but this personality will somehow realize that he must hit rock bottom in order to rise again. After treatment with Bach Flower Remedies, the Sweet Chestnut personality will recognize that a new inner journey has started and he will welcome the ability to believe again. He may also experience a new personal relationship with the Divine Spirit. This person knows that he has been lost, but has been found again.

White Chestnut

While for some it becomes a chronic state, the temporary lapse into a negative White Chestnut state can occur after a particularly unpleasant exchange. This may happen at home, at work or in a social organization meeting, when a person or his ideas have been attacked by adversaries - and especially if the attack has come from those he felt were allies. The situation may become resolved on the surface, but the inner turmoil and brain chatter remains. This is not just an adult malady. Children in school or those with overbearing parents may be even more prone to fall into this state, due to the fact that they are not always allowed to speak up in their own defence. After an exchange such as this, the sufferer may spend the rest of the day and night re-running the conversation over and over, and thinking about what he should have said in his own defence. When the negative state persists, and a person falls into a chronic, extreme negative White Chestnut state, she would like nothing more than to escape from her own mind. She feels that it will never shut up and give her peace. One young child described the feeling as his brain being like a hamster on a wheel, constantly moving faster and faster, but getting nowhere. Many who suffer from this state experience chronic frontal headaches. Their faces will betray a great mental tension and they may unconsciously grind their teeth. Because the brain refuses to relax, they have trouble sleeping. Thus the body experiences physical fatigue as well as mental strain. The Bach Flower White Chestnut allows the mind to discriminate between thoughts that should be accepted and those that should be rejected, and thus releases the need to keep replaying thought impulses which are not in its best interests. After treatment, the mind once again becomes clear and balanced. The individual can connect with and hear the guidance from his Higher Self and use his powers of thought constructively. He or she is able to let go and get on with better thoughts.