RISK - Key Persons

Dr. Anders Corr

Job Titles:
  • Publisher of the Journal of Political
Dr. Anders Corr is Publisher of the Journal of Political Risk. He has analyzed international political risk, including in the academic, political, and business fields, for over fifteen years. His areas of expertise include quantitative approaches to conflict, rare events, and public opinion. Dr. Corr has in-depth field experience in Europe, Africa, and Asia, and has worked for several consultancies and government agencies, including Booz Allen Hamilton, United States Army, United States Pacific Command (USPACOM), United States Special Operations Command Pacific (USSOCPAC), Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). He founded Corr Analytics to provide strategic analysis of international political risk for commercial entities, and the Journal of Political Risk to provide a peer-reviewed outlet for a diverse group of insightful analysts. Dr. Corr has a B.A. in International Relations from Yale (Summa cum laude), and a Ph.D. in Government from Harvard University. He authored The Concentration of Power: Institutionalization, Hierarchy & Hegemony (Optimum Publishing International, forthcoming 2021), No Trespassing: Squatting, Rent Strikes, and Land Struggles Worldwide (South End Press, 1999), and edited Great Powers, Grand Strategies: The New Game in the South China Sea (U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2018).

Neil Siviter

Job Titles:
  • Editor of the Journal of Political
Neil Siviter is the Editor of the Journal of Political Risk. He has a Master of Arts in War Studies at King's College London on a Global Grant Scholarship from Rotary International. Neil has previously worked as a Junior Professional Fellow at the NATO Association of Canada where he wrote articles in the Arc of Crisis program - a segment of the publication focused on eastern and southern security of the NATO Alliance. Neil has also held various internship positions with the Canadian Government, U.S. Consulate General Toronto, and the United Nations in New York City.

Robert Whitcomb

Job Titles:
  • Senior Editor of the Journal of Political
Robert Whitcomb is Senior Editor of the Journal of Political Risk. He is a partner at Cambridge Management Group, a fellow at the Pell Center for International Relations and Public Policy, and a bi-weekly columnist for The Providence Journal. He has worked in journalism for 45 years, most recently as a vice president and the editorial-page editor of the Providence Journal Co, during which time he won several writing prizes, including the Associated Press's prize for the best New England editorial writer. His work has also been in Pacific Standard magazine, The Weekly Standard, The New York Times, The International Herald Tribune (where he was the finance editor), The Wall Street Journal (where he was an editor), The Boston Herald Traveler, The Wilmington News Journal, Newsweek, and MBA Publications, among many other outlets. Mr. Whitcomb holds a B.A. in History from Dartmouth College and a M.S. in Journalism from Columbia University.

Samantha Gay

Job Titles:
  • Social Media Editor of the Journal of Political
Samantha Gay is Social Media Editor of the Journal of Political Risk. She served as an Assistant Editor for the Brown Journal of World Affairs, and has written on Post-Soviet Eastern European regime shifts, trade corruption in the Horn of Africa, and South Asian civil society-trade relationships. She graduated from Brown University, where she focused on Comparative Politics and International Political Economy

Stephanie Wild

Job Titles:
  • Assistant Editor at the Journal of Political
Stephanie Wild is Assistant Editor at the Journal of Political Risk. She has a B.A. in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics and an Honours degree in Justice and Transformation from the University of Cape Town. She is currently pursuing her MPhil in Public Law, focusing on a gendered analysis of transitional justice mechanisms. Her most recent research has looked at public health reform in South Africa, global foreign influence legislation, as well as the role of women in security forces.