Dr. Andrew Milne

Job Titles:
  • Practice Owner and Veterinarian
Andrew started his professional career at Mentone Veterinary Hospital in 2001 soon after graduating from The University of Melbourne. Andrew has always had a particular interest in surgical cases, successfully completing a further education course on the topic through Sydney University's Post Graduate Foundation in 2003. His love of modern technology also helps keep the practice computer system fully operational. Away from work Andrew throws himself into a wide range of sporting activities including hockey, rollerblading, snowboarding, tennis, & mountain bike riding. He has also been known to relax a little over a good meal, movie, or gaming session. Andrew is the proud owner of a toy poodle "Truffle", and a high-spirited bengal cat called "Glacier".

Dr. Rosie Jordan BVSc

Job Titles:
  • Veterinarian

Dr. Sam Balson

Job Titles:
  • Veterinarian