M&T INVESTORS - Key Persons

Mark O'Brien - CTO, President

Job Titles:
  • CTO
  • President
  • Partner / President / CTO of Technology Firm
Mark's passion for real estate started early. He bought his first house while still in college at Temple University in Philadelphia. Pretty soon he had five properties and was buying one every year. His broadcasting career allowed, OK forced, him to move around the country accumulating property in Allentown PA, Cincinnati OH, Arlington and Reston VA, Wilkes-Barre PA, Lincoln NE and a few places in between. Over the years, Mark has benefited from the axiom that if you take pride in your property, your tenants will too. That outlook is now the focus of his work in revitalizing homes that M&T purchases to renovate for resale. He derives great pride and satisfaction from improving neighborhoods - one house at a time. In addition to rehabbing, Mark and his wife and business partner Theresa also lend to other residential redevelopers. As we grow our network of wholesalers, contractors and borrowers, we look for the same qualities that we bring to every transaction- honesty, reliability and good communication. When we find these attributes, we establish long-lasting relationships that benefit both sides. Mark is also President and CTO of a technology firm with over 35 years of business experience. When you buy a home, borrow money or just network with M&T Investors, you know that the owners have rolled up their sleeves and focused on the details.