Amy Erlandsen

Job Titles:
  • Support Staff Member
Amy's combined business and psychology skills set helps to ensure that key organizational issues are addressed without losing sight of the core business - the delivery of pychological services. Amy's calm, efficient and kind manner fosters confidence and trust in our clients which helps us build our successful business relationships.

Bernadette Healy

Job Titles:
  • Director
  • Principal
  • Psychologist
  • Support Staff Member
Bernadette Healy is the director and principal psychologist of the Re-Vision Group. Bernadette has over twenty years experience working with individuals and groups in therapist, facilitator, coach, manager, lecturer and consultant roles within the corporate, government, higher education and NFP sectors. Her industry experience is diverse including the financial, legal services, health and manufacturing sectors. Bernadette has worked with individuals at all organizational levels including coaching at Board and CEO level, counselling senior professionals in legal, engineering, financial services and health fields, carrying out department-wide change management interventions and developing and facilitating long-term corporate projects such as the development of emotional intelligence and the implementation of health and well being initiatives. Bernadette has substantial expertise in counselling including assisting individuals with the troubling aspects of normal life such as stress, loss, conflict, relationship breakdown and times of change and lack of meaning in addition to extensive experience providing support and strategies in dealing with common mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. Strategies and approaches include mindfulness-integrated cognitive behavior therapy (MiCBT), motivational interviewing, stress-management techniques, solution-focused and strengths-based approaches and interpersonal psychotherapy. Bernadette is part of the Partnership in Healing program - a joint venture between the Australian Psychological Society and Connecting Home Victoria (representing members of the stolen generation). This work provides scope for the use of Bernadette's specialist training in the Arts Therapies and in Narrative Therapy. Bernadette has over 15 years experience in group facilitation. Recent groups include mindfulness training and personal reflection. Currently a new initiative targeting family groups is being developed. Bernadette is a registered psychologist and member of the Australian Psychological Society. Bernadette was the recipient of an Australian Psychological Society award for academic excellence.

Liam Healy

Job Titles:
  • Support Staff Member
Liam provides a wealth of computer know-how and systems thinking to the organization. In addition his commitment to discretion and an easy-going and unflappable stlye helps to maintain an organizational climate conducive to respectful and responsive service-delivery.

Stuart Brinkworth

Stuart Brinkworth is an experienced Counselling Psychologist registered with Medicare. He specialises in the treatment of adults (and young adults) with the following issues:

Tom Evans

Tom Evans is a registered Psychologist with over 10 years experience providing psychological therapies for individuals, and groups. Tom is trained in a variety of approaches including solution-focused and interpersonal psychotherapy which are most amenable to short-term counselling. He has a particular interest in issues of depression, anxiety, and interpersonal issues, life-stage transitions, and occupational stress. He also has an interest in analytical psychology for longer-term work with clients. Tom also has had a broad base experience working in organisational settings providing trauma response, counselling and supervision to organisations such as police, state and federal government agencies, and health and welfare agencies. As well as psychological therapy, Tom also has experience as a trainer, supervisor and facilitator of small groups and enjoys the interaction and growth of the learning process. Tom is married with three children and enjoys music and singing, his garden, and running.