Bryant Rollins - CEO

Job Titles:
  • CEO
Bryant is a former Editor with The New York Times, and was a reporter and political columnist with the Boston Globe, where he was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize. He was Executive Editor with the New York Amsterdam News. Bryant has more than 30 years experience as a consultant on diversity, management and organizational effectiveness with Fortune 500 companies, colleges and universities, Federal, state, and local government and community-based organizations. He is widely published, bringing skills in analytical and narrative writing to his work. Bryant worked with the Ford Foundation, administering a program for minority journalists at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. He began consulting, training and writing on issues of race relations and diversity during the Civil Rights Movement in Boston, New York and Mississippi. He holds a BA in Journalism from Northeastern University in Boston, MA. He is the author of the novel, Danger Song, co-author of entertainer Cab Calloway's autobiography, Minnie the Moocher and Me, and author of numerous articles on race relations and human differences. He has worked in domestic and international environments. He has been a member of the NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Sciences since 1968.

Shirley Stetson - President

Job Titles:
  • President
Shirley was a manager in the former Bell System for 20 years where she spent fifteen years as a line manager and five years in management training, organizational development and diversity consulting. She established her own organizational development consulting business, Innerconnections Unlimited, Inc., in 1987. She has consulted with Fortune 500 firms, governmental agencies, community organizations and colleges and universities. Shirley has a deep interest in women's issues and has focused much of her work on women as leaders in corporate and community organizations, nationally and internationally. Shirley was part of the team that founded MountainTop Institute, Inc., a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping individuals and organizations engage and reconcile their human differences. She served as Vice President and Director of Organizational Development from 1999 to 2008 when she and Bryant Rollins founded StetsonRollins Consulting, Inc, a private consulting practice. Shirley joined the NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Sciences in 1986. She is a graduate of the Women's Leadership Collaborative. She holds an M.Ed. from the University of Massachusetts in Management Development and Organizational Effectiveness, and a B.A. in Psychology from Colby College in Waterville, Maine.