Updated 26 days ago
o 45 Blair Rd, Unit 16, Cambridge, ON, Canada, N1S 2H8
The COPM is currently available in over 35 languages including Persian, Hebrew, Mandarin, Polish and Spanish...
The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM) is the most well used outcome measure in occupational therapy in the world. The COPM is a client-centred outcome measure for individuals to identify and prioritize everyday issues that restrict their participation in everyday living. This measure focuses on occupational performance in all areas of life, including self-care, leisure and productivity. This outcome measure is used with persons of all ages...
The COPM provides the basis for setting intervention goals. The COPM, as an outcome measure, is administered at the beginning of services, and again as determined by the client and therapist. Multidisciplinary health care teams use the COPM as an initial client-centred assessment.
Also known as: COPM and COPM Inc., COPM Inc., The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure, The COPM