Updated 6 days ago
8603 South Dixie Hwy. Suite 410 Miami, Florida 33156
We specialize in helping Business Owners Sell their businesses in Miami. We have the experience and the business contacts to be able to effectively sell your business. We have over 30 years of experience representing business owners that are looking to sell or cash out of their business...
We also specialize in representing investors in buying a business in Miami, Broward and Palm Beach Counties. We can locate an attractive opportunity for you to invest in due to our knowledge of the business valuation process...
Our team of professional business brokers at Wellstone Group have more than 47 years of experience selling business entities in the South Florida market. Wellstone has earned the reputation as the business brokerage firm that most serious investors prefer.
Also known as: Wellstone Group, Wellstone Group LLC
Associated domains: 305negocio.com