YACHT DESIGN - Key Persons

Astrid Barros

Job Titles:
  • Contributor
PHD in Ocean Engineering by Rio de Janeiro Federal University (UFRJ), Astrid has participated in several designs and in a way she was born together with the design office, in Tahiti, during her parents epic voyage from Rio to Polynesia. She was an active sailor in her youth and participated in many more offshore adventures with the family. It was only natural to have an education in naval engineering and then go on to acquire a PHD in the area.

Luis Gouveia

Job Titles:
  • Principal Naval Architect
Naval Engineer graduated by Rio de Janeiro Federal University (UFRJ), Luis Gouveia is the G from B&G Yacht Design. The B is from Barros, Roberto Mesquita Barros, known also by his nickname Cabinho to his fans all over the world. Luis takes the relay on the long tradition of high level boat designs initiated by his father-in-law. His skill encompasses boats and yachts of the most varied applications, a really eclectic portfolio of designs.

Luis Manuel Pinho

Job Titles:
  • Yacht Designer
Metallurgical and Materials Engineer graduated by Rio de Janeiro Federal University (UFRJ), Luis Manuel Pinho brought his experience of decades of offshore sailing, boatbuilding, and engineering formation to the team at B&G Yacht Design, with new solutions in 3D modelling to produce complete boat kits in several existing designs and also in the creation of new designs. Luis Manuel Pinho was born in Mozambique and immigrated to Brazil, where he built his first ocean going sailboat, Green Nomad, who took him on a new migration path to Australia. Then he decided to repeat the dose and built another Green Nomad, continuing to explore the seas of this world, sharing time with environmental activities as captain of direct-action group Sea Shepherd. Thirthy years of life at sea are told in this dense book. English edition available soon.