Anthony McNamara

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member
Anthony is a self-confessed compulsive writer. When not producing written content for our client portfolio, Anthony can be found penning short stories just for fun. He has been a tech enthusiast since 2015, bringing coherence and life to even the most complex topics. As part of our content marketing team Anthony engages with our clients to discover exactly what they want from their content and delivers end-products that delight. He also creates short and snappy social media posts to support this content. His unwavering belief that his obsession with writing is a good thing has served him well thus far. Anthony began his journey into the world of content writing following a varied career that spanned sales, education and even deep-sea diving. Unable to resist the allure of making a career out of his writing, he began offering his content services to B2B tech companies. He has since produced copy for some of the most ground-breaking enterprises and initiatives, including Virgin Media Business, AccessPay, Piran Partners, ddroidd, Dunlop and Open Banking. In addition Anthony has worked on high-level reports that have landed on the desks of C-suite executives at some of the UK's largest banks and corporations. Following a hopeful email exchange with founder Sam in late 2020, Anthony has been working with The Crowd ever since. He plies his trade surrounded by the rolling hills of East Lancashire. There is no more perfect setting for getting the creative juices flowing.

Chanda Shingadia

Job Titles:
  • Head of PR
Chanda is Head of PR. and account lead. Unlike many PRs, she still loves the thrill of the chase and has been a hardcore pitcher since 2004. At The Crowd, Chanda is responsible for the success of several of our PR-led client accounts. She is also well known for her extensive network of press and analyst contacts in the UK and the US. "Having led accounts in all stages of their evolution, I've developed a good insight into what works for clients and how to achieve the maximum exposure for them. My clients can benefit from my extensive industry network and quickly see the impact of hard-working PR." Chanda has been on the agency side for her entire career, working at digital marketing agency Metia and then Articulate Communications before joining The Crowd. She has proactively managed global public and analyst relations programmes for a wide range of start-ups, scale-ups and leading global players in the financial services and technology sectors. Chanda has obtained consistent national, business and trade press exposure for a range of clients, including Capco, DTCC, Etrali Trading Solutions (formally Orange), FactSet, Liquidnet, Mambu, Microsoft, Royal Bank of Scotland, Santander InnoVentures and Sapient Global Markets. Based in London, Chanda has been with The Crowd since 2019 but has known many of the team for over a decade! When not on the phone pitching Chanda is a mum, avid traveller and keen cook.

Elliot Howard

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member

Emma Tucker

Job Titles:
  • the Digital Media Team
Emma provides internal communications consultancy. Since 2008 she has been a firm believer in building great companies from the inside out. Emma is experienced in creating internal communication strategies and campaigns that foster employee involvement, support behaviour change, and create and sustain happy and healthy working cultures. This could come in the form of a business transformation, the launch of a new system or process, or a desire to help line managers connect more with their people.

Eria Odhuba

Job Titles:
  • Analyst Relations
Eria provides analyst relations services. During his career he has driven global AR programmes for some of the biggest brands in the industry since 2001. At The Crowd Eria keeps track of industry analyst goings on, ensuring clients meet the right analysts at the right time in their research schedules. He also helps clients build relationships with key analysts who can provide important feedback to help them improve their sales and market reputation.

Helen Allingham

Job Titles:
  • Editorial Director
Helen is our editorial director. As a highly-experienced financial services analyst, she has been researching and writing about the industry and digging deep into her subject since 2001. She has worked across the full spectrum of financial services, developing particular expertise in the payments and wealth management sectors. At The Crowd, Helen is responsible for delivering insightful content for our clients ranging from bylines to white papers. Her background means that she is able to bring a solid research foundation to all content, including survey design and data analysis, while her in-depth industry knowledge enables her to get to the heart of the most complex of subjects.

Lauren Bowden

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member
Lauren leads content marketing. She is an intelligent writer who has been diving deep into the space since 2006. At The Crowd, Lauren's primary focus is to deliver compelling, hard-working marketing content. She also supports our dedicated social media accounts, ensuring our strategies attract the right kind of followers for each client and the content engages with their target audience.

Marc Duke

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member
Marc heads up our influencer marketing service. Having worked across PR and AR he has served a wide range of tech brands since 2006.

Sam Howard - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
  • Founder of the Crowd
Sam is founder of The Crowd. This was her idea - she has a lot of those. Deciding to set up a wholly virtual agency back in 2012, she is a natural disrupter. She is also an award-winning storyteller and has been working in B2B fintech comms since 1995. As founder, Sam's role approximates to keeping all the clients happy all of the time. Her commitment to best practise and her mantra that good enough is never ever good enough stands her in good stead, if not affording her the life of semi-leisure she envisioned.

Sandra Vogel

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member
Sandra is our chief tech content creator and has been an in-demand tech journalist since 2000. At The Crowd Sandra works directly with clients on content production. Always looking for a great turn of phrase and a snappy subhead, from DevOps to the latest in AI, she can get unduly excited when a good idea strikes. Sandra trained as a librarian, became a Research Fellow in information science, then went to work in the charity sector. After a stint as head of information at Shelter she gave freelance tech writing a go. 25 years on, Sandra has written books, worked for national newspapers, the BBC and more. Happy reviewing a laptop or phone, digging into an aspect of technology for the likes of ZDNet, IT Pro, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales, Which? and Computing, she also supports a number of tech companies with their written communications. There's never a dull moment! Sandra inhabits that spot in a Venn diagram where nerd meets geek meets wonk. She loves a bit of technology to play with, is happy writing on just about every aspect of tech, enjoys a good old chinwag about tech policy, and has fun constructing research and writing up the findings. Happy working solo and also with dependable, smart, creative types, she has been collaborating with all of us at The Crowd since 2017.

Simona Cotta

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member

Stella McMahon

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member
Stella delivers our design orientated projects and has been steeped in the world of B2B tech since 1999. At The Crowd, Stella is responsible for the visual branding for all our clients. Having worked across the full spectrum of tech and fintech solutions, she knows how to listen to our clients' objectives as much as to the creative brief. Stella launched her design career as a multi-disciplinary graphic designer working for several creative agencies before taking on a role at the COI. Here she worked on public information campaigns for government agencies including The Royal Navy, MI5, Dept. of Education, Dept. of Health and Downing Street. Then she moved agency side to join Metia for a further 12 years. As design team lead, she worked collaboratively with marketing, PR and editorial teams on Microsoft, HP and Reuters accounts among others, delivering successful concepts for branding, marketing campaigns, events, digital assets and printed collateral.