Anne Clark

Anne Clark grew up in a military home where relocation and travel were the keys to successful living. Having to live in so many different places, inspired Anne to have a"vision" for being able to walk into a home and see what it could become. For years, Anne observed her parents ability to transform the "not so pretty" into the "magnificant," using a variety of paints, fabrics and by having that "vision" to see beyond what was in front of them. Anne practiced Interior Design for a year, but it was actually her degree in Education, that inspired Anne to begin using her talents as an artist and interior decorator. While teaching at a preschool, Anne marveled at the murals and unique designs that engulfed each classroom. Having been inspired, she created Artistic Murals & Designs so she could share the creativity with others. Her hopes and desires are to bring to life the personal vision of the client and work with him/her towards complete satisfaction. Anne, her husband Stephen and their two sons Hunter and Brandon, live in Parker,Colorado.