Dr. Javan Houser

I love to help others and enjoy fixing things which make dentistry the perfect job for me. I really enjoy the technical aspect of dentistry and learning new things. Orthodontics has become a specialty of mine and I very much enjoy straightening teeth. I was born in Japan while my father was serving in the Air Force and have had the opportunity to live all over the world growing up. I have strong family roots here in Colorado with relatives dating back to the mid 1800's. I attended BYU for undergraduate attended University of Colorado School of Dentistry for my dental education. After attending dental school I went directly to the Air Force and underwent officer training for a month in Montgomery AL. I served for 4 years in Mountain Home, ID doing general dentistry. I was fortunate to be accepted into a Prosthetic mini-residency and studied for six weeks at Lackland AFB in San Antonio TX. Following my four years of military service, I worked doing dentistry with a company called Dental One. After ten years of working with the company, I finally gave in to my brother (who had talked to me for years about working with him) and joined him in Castle Rock at Castle Valley Dental. In my personal life, I am blessed with a wonderful wife and four amazing children who are growing our family through marriage and grandchildren. I have many personal interests and hobbies. I have been involved with the Boy Scouts of America for almost 20 years and I am an Eagle Scout myself. I have enjoyed seeing the difference it makes in the lives of many boys. I was recognized with the Scout Master of the year award a few years ago. Last summer I had the opportunity to take some young boys scouts on a climbing trip to do a fourteener and was inspired by the all-out effort it took for several of the boys to complete this challenge. In life, there are easy things and hard things but every now and then there is something that we do that requires us to dig deeper. Have you ever done anything that seemed impossible and mid-way through you wanted to give up and quit? A task, challenge or job that pushed you to your absolute limit and beyond? I was inspired by the gargantuan effort these boys put into climbing this huge mountain. At the start, they were very much full of excitement, energy, wonder, and awe. That soon fades as the trail becomes steeper and unrelenting. I was amazed at the deep inner personal struggle that a 12-year-old goes through. Should I quit, rest longer or push just another 10 steps? I don't think I can go one more step they would say over and over again. Rest a little longer and give me 10 more steps. Again and again, over and over the struggle went on. Eventually, we reached the peak! But wait now we have to hike all the way down? I know that all of us have limits. However, it's amazing watching ourselves and others push beyond those limits and accomplish things that seemed impossible.