Selena Holston Gabriel

Job Titles:
  • Director
Director Selena Holston Gabriel wrote a Christian children's book called Heaven's Royalty, That's Me!™ to affirm the beauty, authenticity, and inherent worth of GIRLS all over the GLOBE and to embolden them to use their gifts and strengths to make a compassionate difference in the world. Selena created Heaven's RoyalTEA™ to share the message and mission of her book. This program for girls (a pop-up Tea Time) is offered in partnership with churches, schools, and Christian groups through Compassion Creates Change™. These events train girls, from an early age, to anchor their self-worth in God's truth and empower them to be leaders and change-makers. Heaven's RoyalTEA™ includes teas and treats, a dramatic monologue of the children's book, and a book signing-session with the author.