KRIEGMAN - Key Persons

Dick Romano

Job Titles:
  • Vice President of Government Affairs at at
Dick Romano, vice president of government affairs at AT&T and a member of the Corporate Associates Program since 1983, has called it "a win-win situation for everybody. Corporations and schools pick the topic together so you get something of mutual benefit. We also get interaction with other companies over common issues like pension funds."

Gerald Hines

Job Titles:
  • Founder and Chairman of the Hines Interests Limited Partnership

Kristin Runge

Former Student Government Association president Kristin Runge (MBA '94) says she went to the roundtables because of the impressive speakers, the topics and the balance between management and the academic views. "At the reception afterward, there were also really top management people in attendance."

Paul Nadler

Job Titles:
  • Professor
Paul Nadler, professor of finance, who has taught the likes of Alan Greenspan and Bert Lance during his 36 years of teaching, says, "I've dismissed a whole class to have them attend one of the Distinguished Roundtables because this is what management schools should be doing, not academic journals." (Thisl, he says, despite serving as editor of three such journals and authoring 120 articles in his field - in addition to appearing as a regular columnist for American Banker.) He uses this ex He uses this expertise in the consulting work he does for one of the Corporate Associates Program members, First Fidelity Bancorporation.

Peter Bernstein

Job Titles:
  • Founding Editor of the Journal of Portfolio Management