Al Curtis

Job Titles:
  • Named Master of Design / Pool and Spa News
  • Our Designer
, has been in the industry with hands on, practical experience* since joining the industry during his college years. Starting out studies in art, and finishing with a degree in physics with a minor in math, Al has a special understanding of how to put elements together for truly exceptional artistic design, and still maintain the flow and function that the mechanical elements will determine. There is a special type of project that he has become known for - it is water as art. Al has been getting quite creative in recent years. Implementing elements of gunite pools in his projects, as well as vinyl liner design and function, has allowed Al to explore the limits of "traditional" pool building. He has been paving the way in the industry for a new product line and experience. Al is the only builder who is building hybrid pools - the benefits of gunite, without the drawbacks, and the benefits of vinyl without the limitations. Al is also training professional pool builders in the unique process of combining the elements. Allan Curtis has been in the pool industry for most of his adult life. We'll leave you to figure out just what this translates to in years. He is the lead designer and builder with an artistic approach to building swimming pools in Michigan through his construction company, Legendary Escapes Pools. What we have come to realize, is that Al Curtis probably has more hands on experience and working knowledge of swimming pools than anyone in the country. Many people can say that they've been involved in the industry at some level for a number of years, however, the specific working knowledge that you get from being a part of things on a daily basis, is something else. The good news is that Al continues to share his expertise, and his desire to make the industry a better place by taking questions and sharing knowledge via his online alter ego: Ask the Pool Guy. If you are interested in a new swimming pool, you can contact Curtis or a capable member of his team online http://www.AskThePoolGuy.com and http://www.LegendaryEscapes.com. Al Curtis, builder and designer for Legendary Escapes Pools and Ask the Pool Guy, has been in the pool industry for decades with an artistic approach to swimming pools. Al Curtis and the team at Legendary Escapes are committed to building dreams in backyards and providing clients with a unique and outstanding experience. He specializes in designing and building custom and unique Hybrid Swimming Pools which combine the best elements of vinyl liner pools with the best and trendiest gunite pool features and finishes. If you are interested in building a hybrid pool, or if you are a pool guy looking to learn how, send a note via the contact me page.

Cale Gray

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member

Carson Pietila

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member

Hannah Whitley

Job Titles:
  • Employee
  • Receptionist
Hannah is a new employee for the pool company. She started her time here interning as it was a school requirement in order to graduate. Hannah is the receptionist for the office, she takes phone calls schedule appointments, cleans the office, and does data entry.

Jesse Curtis

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member

Joaynna Cook

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member

Jodi Cook

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member
My grandmother always told me, "Jodi you are so good natured." And wouldn't you know it, I grew up to love nature and graduated college with a Horticulture degree. I've always been excited to learn about plants, how they grow, thrive and adapt. In going out and helping others discover the masterpiece disguised under a blank canvas, I found my passion. Through the field of Horticulture, retail sales, growing, consulting, gardening services and teaching, I have been able to share my passion of painting the outdoor canvas, naturally.

Karen Olson

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member

Katie Curtis

Job Titles:
  • Optimistic Team Member
Katie works on the construction team building pools, doing tiles and constructing rocks. Katie is Al's second eldest daughter, she works with Karen mostly, she helps with tiles and building the rocks that are featured in our pools. Not only does she skuplt she wheels wheelbarrows full of cement and mud while the crew is digging out the shape of the pool and building the walls. Katie at some point has done everything in the construction of the pools. With out Katie the jobs would get done a lot slower! Plus she is cute funny and a joy to be around! A quick quote from Katie "I love being capable and confidant at what I do!"

Katie Dunn

Job Titles:
  • Office Manager for Our Ask the Pool Guy Team for Many Years While She Pursued Her Accounting Degree
Katie Dunn was the office manager for our Ask the Pool Guy Team for many years while she pursued her accounting degree. Katie wore many hats around the office and she keept it running smoothly! When she is working she is fully focused and can multitask like no ones business. Katie's main project she worked on her first summer was creating and updating the directory on our webpages. This is where all the products and companies we have worked with or conversed with are held for costumers to utilize if we are unable to assist them. Katie is also responsible for working with Sandi and Al on a franchise manual, that will be used for both the Ask the Pool Guy Service Franchise and the building of Hybrid Swimming Pools. Katie also led our sales team to develop a FerriTab Wholesale Sales Team. We know Katie is doing wonderfully in her accounting career, and no matter what she has to do in a day she keeps calm and gets it all done. She is a real inspiration to all the office workers, and she comes up often in conversation! We love her!

Kaylee Maki

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member

Kaylee, works

Kaylee, works on the construction team lifting wheel barrows, hauling mud and kicking butt. Kaylee has been working with the pool company on a regular basis ever since she could drive! She is a wonderfully strong independent woman who loves to out preform everyone. Kaylee has no problem getting down and dirty when she needs to! Not only is she cute but she has brains as well, while working with the pool company she goes to school full time in the fall and winter to study construction management, in hopes one day to take over the pool company for her mother Sandi and Al. "The number one reason I like working with the pool team is that we all work together and always help each other out when needed and get things done!"

Kyle Maki

Job Titles:
  • Service & Construction Team Member
Kyle works on the service end of the pool company, working on our weekly service accounts. Kyle has really stepped up to the plate, he has taken on our weekly and bi-weekly services we do for our costumers. Kyle works long hour days but always gets the job done nicely! He makes witty and funny comments on the job and in the office during meetings and on his down time. He is eager to learn and better him self while working by himself and when he works with Mark, training on service jobs! Kyle is a valuable part of the company and he is awesome! " I love working for Ask The Pool Guy's Legendary Escapes because it is a very unique, interesting, and conversation worthy job." - Kyle