NEMIGLSI - Key Persons

Brandon Schroeder

Daniel Moffatt

Job Titles:
  • Stewardship & Education Specialist

Meag Schwartz

Job Titles:
  • Network Coordinator
In her role as Network Coordinator, Meag fosters school-community partnerships, coordinates educator professional learning, and supports authentic, meaningful student stewardship projects across Northeast Michigan. Meag is a connector and conduit for all things place-based stewardship education, and works to bring external funding into the region through seeking and managing state and federal grants. She graduated from Alma College with a degree in Biology and later earned a master's degree in Environmental Science from Indiana University. Meag considers herself a lifelong learner and is curious about the world around her. She is a Great Lakes aficionado and enjoys snorkeling, paddleboarding, and hiking through the forests of northern Michigan. Contact her at: meag@greatlakesstewardship.

Patrick Heraghty

Job Titles:
  • Executive Director / Community Foundation for Northeast Michigan

Sarah Morrison

Job Titles:
  • Communications Support
In her role as communications support, Sarah focuses on getting the word out about the amazing work Northeast Michigan Great Lakes Stewardship Initiative does. Not only so people can celebrate and be inspired, but also so other northeast Michigan educators know that NEMIGLSI is a resource for them. Whether it be the NEMIGLSI social media channels (Facebook and Instagram), press releases, news stories or articles, she is helping to create those valuable tools. Sarah also loves the outdoors. She enjoys camping, boating and running on trails along Lake Huron and exploring new northeast Michigan terrains!

Savannah Obert-Pfeiffer

Job Titles:
  • Based Stewardship Education Specialist
In her role as place-based stewardship education specialist, Savannah provides direct support to teachers, facilitating professional learning opportunities, and connecting them with local partners. She also helps to support student stewardship projects that encourage students to find value in their home communities and to contribute to community impact. Savannah is originally from Lansing and attended college at Michigan Tech, where she earned her bachelor's degree in Sustainability Science and Society. Some of her hobbies include painting landscapes, exploring new hiking or walking paths, and trying out new baking recipes. Contact her at:

Tracy D'Augustino