ARHS NSW DIVISION - History of Changes

2024-04-03 delete otherexecutives Colin Gilbertson
2024-04-03 delete otherexecutives Spencer Ross
2024-04-03 insert otherexecutives Andrew Phelan AM
2024-04-03 insert otherexecutives Gretta Logue
2024-04-03 insert otherexecutives James Dalton
2024-04-03 insert otherexecutives Scott Howells
2024-04-03 delete person Colin Gilbertson
2024-04-03 delete person Spencer Ross
2024-04-03 insert person Andrew Phelan AM
2024-04-03 insert person Gretta Logue
2024-04-03 insert person Scott Howells
2024-04-03 update person_title James Dalton: Chairman; Chairman of the Board => Member of the Board; Chairman; Director
2021-08-05 delete otherexecutives Mai Mai
2021-08-05 delete person Mai Mai
2021-08-05 update person_title John Snider: Member of the Board; Director => Member of the Board; Director / Project Manager With Experience in Major Projects and Change Management. Rail Industry Background; Director