Phil Cannella - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
After decades of working directly with consumers who have been harmed by our Nation's current retirement system, Phil Cannella took on a mission to investigate the financial industry and find an answer to the flaws on Wall Street that have been killing the American dream of one day retiring comfortably and securely. In the early 2000s, Mr. Cannella's relentless ambition brought him to the streets of our Nation's capital, where he studied legislation and policies that governed the financial industry. It was shortly after his findings that Phil Cannella learned a truth that is otherwise disguised by the mainstream media- the securities industry is not designed to serve the interest of consumers, but rather the goliath investment firms that run Wall Street and the media outlets that report on it. In recognition of the monopoly that Wall Street has established over all financial media outlets, Mr. Cannella answered the need for a voice of truth to stand alone in an industry built on a foundation of deceit and corruption. Immediately following the financial crisis that crippled our nation in 2008, Phil Cannella took action and established his own radio show, The Crash Proof Retirement Show® on Philadelphia's #1 Talk Station 1210 WPHT, part of the CBS Radio Network. This independent radio show would lay the foundation for what would grow to be a full-fledged media company, built on a mission to bring the truth to the American retiree. After 4 long years of speaking to the 2.3 million listeners across the CBS Radio Network, Mr. Cannella gained a reputation for asking the tough questions and demanding the truth. It was with this reputation that he marched to Washington D.C., to the doors of the Securities and Exchange Commission, armed with questions that the American people deserve answers to. Phil Cannella sat with H. David Kotz, the then Inspector General of the Nation's top regulating agency over Wall Street, and asked why our tax dollars were going to waste on a Federal regulatory agency that was failing to police Wall Street and defend the people. Cannella returned home to Philadelphia with a newfound passion for investigative reporting and quickly uploaded select clips to a website commonly used by mainstream media outlets for news gathering. Much to his surprise, every mainstream media outlet ignored this groundbreaking interview and refused to air its monumental findings.