Steve Chumbley

Steve was born in England but, as a young boy, moved with his family to Malawi where his interest in wildlife and adventure was nurtured. He returned to England graduating with honours in Zoology and a Diploma in Education. Shortly after he joined VSO to a posting in Papua New Guinea where he helped set up a new school. Steve continued to work in education in Tanzania, Kuwait and Nigeria. However, his love of the African wilderness and wildlife drew him back to Tanzania to begin living and sharing the dream with Teena. Together, in Tanzania, they established the safari company "The Infinite Horizon". During this time Steve built several luxury mobile camps, he jointly managed renowned lodges and camps in Kenya and Tanzania including Rivertrees Country Inn and Greystoke Mahale. Steve, a qualified 3 Star Sea Kayak Leader, also set up a range of Adventure Sea Kayaking tours. He designed and built sea kayaks, explored and planned routes and coached clients while guiding trips.

Teena Chumbley

Raised on a wheat and sheep property in remote Western Australia, Teena worked on the family farm before pursuing a successful career in education. After teaching jobs in Australia, the Middle East and West Africa, she gave up a position as Principal in Nigeria to follow a shared dream with Steve. Together, in Tanzania, they opened their safari company "The Infinite Horizon" and began to share their passion for Africa with others. While Teena jointly managed camps and lodges with Steve in Kenya and Tanzania other interesting opportunities arose. This included collaborating with Frankfurt Zoological Society and Tanzania National Parks to develop a conservation protocol for viewing endangered Chimpanzee, working with a BBC production team on a television series "Taking the Flak", setting up "off season training" for Kilimanjaro mountain guides and crew and most exciting trialling horseback riding safaris.