TRIP BUFFET - Key Persons

Alex Soares - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
The man on a mission to take you places and bring people together in a manner never done before. Alex is passionate traveller and also an avid birder. His repertoire of information on the tours he meticulously plans is par excellence. He is also well known for his effort in promoting eco-tourism and his contribution to the Birding International Magazine.

Dianne Henderson - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
Her zeal for travel and infectious enthusiasm led her to discover tours that give an insight not only to places but also to the people and the culture present there. Dianne has been a mentor for ‘360 degrees', the celebrated documentary on Alaskan culture and traditions. Her days are now spent researching the lesser known places with people who she works with closely.