Bob Thomas

In one final Kari story, I would like to tell you about Bob. Bob Thomas is a 65 year old Special Olympian. Bob was born normal, however when he was 9 years old he was hit by a truck. Bob suffered serious Brain Damage and the only way to describe it is Bob sort of got stuck in "9 year old land". Bob is in his 60's now however Bob loves things very much like a 9 year old would like. He loves Fireman, Construction Trucks, Policemen, and mostly Gymnastics. He is almost a celebrity in Erie and everyone knows him. He has a knack for showing up at Construction Sites, Local Events & such and has several uniforms he carries in his backpack. Being well known by the Police, he might show up at an Erie Festival dressed in his security outfit, and the Police usually give him something useful to do. Everyone Loves Bob!

Douglas Pershun

Job Titles:
  • Owner / Team Lightning Coach / Meet Director for Stars & Stripes

Kari McCloskey

Job Titles:
  • Scholarship