Caroline Jones

Job Titles:
  • Phty Registered Physiotherapist
I am a Brisbane based physiotherapist and personal trainer specialising in (but not limited to) oncology and lymphedema. In 2006 I graduated from my physiotherapy degree and embarked on the career that I'd always dreamed of. Like most students who apply to do physio, I did so with the aspiration of one day getting to work with a famous sports team, travelling the world and fixing the injuries of the elite. While studying I worked as a sports trainer for the University's AFL team, and while it was a great job and fantastic experience, I realised that it wasn't what I wanted to do with my life. So instead, upon graduating, I started working in the hospital system, rotating through the usual junior posts before moving from Brisbane to London for what was supposed to be a twelve month working holiday. Twelve months turned into almost nine years and during this time I worked at many NHS and private hospitals in and around London, developing a passion for working in oncology along the way and becoming a lymphoedema therapist as well. Although I have expert skills in cancer rehabilitation, I enjoy working with patients with a variety of health conditions, recovering from injuries or just wanting to improve their health and fitness.

Dr Sharmila Samaranayake

I am currently working as a Medical officer in the Dermatology unit in the national hospital of Sri Lanka conducting Dermatology clinics and inward work. I have worked here since 2014. Before this I worked as a Medical officer in Lady Ridgeway Hospital for children for 3 years at the Pediatric cardiology unit. Prior to this I worked in the Health Education Bureau in Sri Lanka (2009 - 2012). Here I conducted work shops, training programs, presentations on various medical issues at training of trainers programs, and also took part in Educational Radio programs on various health issues for local Radio channels.

Jennifer Austin

Job Titles:
  • Director
  • Author
I am Jennifer Austin and I created with the aim of being an informative and accurate online resource for those seeking support and advice in day to day living with lymphedema. I have over 20 years experience as an academic researcher, with a large focus on research in the healthcare fields. I am educated up to and including master's level and have a strong focus on professional development in order to further my knowledge base. Lymphedema Lifeline has been a resource for the subject of Lymphedema since 2012, providing accurate and up to date information for those living day to day with Lymphedema.