Steve McDaniel

Steve McDaniel has been keeping bees since 1979. He took the rigorous Master Beekeeper Exam at the Eastern Apicultural Society's annual convention in 1994 and became a certified EAS Master Beekeeper of which there are about 120 in North America. He teaches courses in beginning beekeeping and gives many entertaining presentations and slide talks to clubs, schools, and nature centers about various aspects of beekeeping and bee biology. An award-winning professional nature photographer, he illustrates most of his talks with his stunning images and has provided the pictures for several books. Steve and his wife Angie live in Manchester, Maryland, outside of Baltimore, and their "Honey Farm" is their backyard. Steve maintains about 20 colonies of honey bees which produce several hundred pounds of prize-winning honey each year. Last year, his honey and wax won 18 blue ribbons and five champion awards at the Maryland State Fair, the Maryland State Beekeepers Association annual honey show, and one county fair.