MICHAEL ROOP - Key Persons

Leslie S. Roop

Leslie S. Roop has 20+ years of experience in the practice and management of health, safety, and industrial hygiene services. Ms. Roop's extensive experience includes development and implementation of Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) Management Systems as a policies and procedures writer, team member, team leader, group facilitator and presenter, trainer, and client representative at critical implementation junctures. Ms. Roop has done work for a variety of work locations including construction/ remediation sites, laboratories, chemical, upstream and downstream oil and gas facilities, and engineering firms. Ms. Roop's has additional experience in such areas as industrial hygiene sampling/monitoring (including noise surveys), indoor air quality assessments of commercial buildings, risk assessments, hazard communication and awareness training instructor. Ms. Roop's regulatory knowledge has been significantly augmented by her work experience which includes formal and informal field and procedures auditing.