PATHNM.ORG - History of Changes

2023-04-15 delete otherexecutives AMANDA LOBATO
2023-04-15 insert otherexecutives CLORISSA JOSE
2023-04-15 delete person AMANDA LOBATO
2023-04-15 insert person AMANDA YAZZIE
2023-04-15 insert person CLORISSA JOSE
2023-04-15 insert person LELAND NOLAN
2023-04-15 insert person MEGAN BEGAY
2022-10-22 insert industry_tag non-profit
2022-09-02 delete otherexecutives URSULA BEGAY
2022-09-02 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2022-09-02 delete person URSULA BEGAY
2021-06-30 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2021-04-24 delete otherexecutives JONNA SHARPE
2021-04-24 insert otherexecutives AMANDA LOBATO
2021-04-24 delete person JONNA SHARPE
2021-04-24 insert person AMANDA LOBATO
2021-02-02 delete otherexecutives JACK MILLER
2021-02-02 delete otherexecutives JOELL JONES
2021-02-02 delete otherexecutives MANUEL MORA
2021-02-02 delete otherexecutives PAULA JACKSON
2021-02-02 delete otherexecutives ROSS TRUJILLO
2021-02-02 delete otherexecutives WILLIAM CLARK
2021-02-02 delete person CHERYL FLOYD
2021-02-02 delete person JACK MILLER
2021-02-02 delete person JOELL JONES
2021-02-02 delete person KAREN TAFT
2021-02-02 delete person MANUEL MORA
2021-02-02 delete person PAULA JACKSON
2021-02-02 delete person ROSS TRUJILLO
2021-02-02 delete person WILLIAM CLARK
2020-07-29 delete otherexecutives FRANK PATTERSON
2020-07-29 delete otherexecutives Misty Hensley-Munoz
2020-07-29 delete otherexecutives ROBIN BISTED
2020-07-29 insert otherexecutives JACK MILLER
2020-07-29 insert otherexecutives JOELL JONES
2020-07-29 insert otherexecutives MANUEL MORA
2020-07-29 insert otherexecutives PAULA JACKSON
2020-07-29 insert otherexecutives ROSS TRUJILLO
2020-07-29 insert otherexecutives WILLIAM CLARK
2020-07-29 delete person FRANK PATTERSON
2020-07-29 delete person JASON CALCOTE
2020-07-29 delete person Misty Hensley-Munoz
2020-07-29 delete person ROBIN BISTED
2020-07-29 insert person CHERYL FLOYD
2020-07-29 insert person JACK MILLER
2020-07-29 insert person JOELL JONES
2020-07-29 insert person MANUEL MORA
2020-07-29 insert person PAULA JACKSON
2020-07-29 insert person ROSS TRUJILLO
2020-07-29 update person_title WILLIAM CLARK: SECRETARY of the Board => Member of the Board; INTERIM PRESIDENT
2019-07-15 delete otherexecutives Sherry ‘laine' Jackson
2019-07-15 insert otherexecutives KAREN TAFT
2019-07-15 insert otherexecutives ROBIN BISTED
2019-07-15 insert otherexecutives URSULA BEGAY
2019-07-15 delete person Pastor Larry Moore
2019-07-15 delete person Sherry ‘laine' Jackson
2019-07-15 insert person KAREN TAFT
2019-07-15 insert person ROBIN BISTED
2019-07-15 update person_title URSULA BEGAY: Administrative Assistant at PATH; Administrative Assistant => Assistant DIRECTOR
2018-08-02 delete otherexecutives LILLIAN ROSE
2018-08-02 delete otherexecutives NICOLE WAYNE
2018-08-02 delete otherexecutives STORME ANDERSON
2018-08-02 insert otherexecutives Sherry ‘laine' Jackson
2018-08-02 delete person LILLIAN ROSE
2018-08-02 delete person NICOLE WAYNE
2018-08-02 delete person STORME ANDERSON
2018-08-02 insert person Pastor Larry Moore
2018-08-02 insert person Sherry ‘laine' Jackson
2018-02-15 delete otherexecutives REBEKAH TREAT
2018-02-15 delete person REBEKAH TREAT
2017-10-13 delete chairman Branda Parker
2017-10-13 delete otherexecutives SHAWN GRAY
2017-10-13 insert otherexecutives FRANK PATTERSON
2017-10-13 insert otherexecutives JASON CALCOTE
2017-10-13 insert otherexecutives LILLIAN ROSE
2017-10-13 insert otherexecutives NICOLE WAYNE
2017-10-13 insert otherexecutives REBEKAH TREAT
2017-10-13 insert otherexecutives STORME ANDERSON
2017-10-13 delete person Branda Parker
2017-10-13 delete person DAWN FACKA
2017-10-13 delete person JASON CALCOTTE
2017-10-13 delete person SHAWN GRAY
2017-10-13 insert person JASON CALCOTE
2017-10-13 insert person LILLIAN ROSE
2017-10-13 insert person MISTY HENSLEY-MUNOZ
2017-10-13 insert person NICOLE WAYNE
2017-10-13 insert person REBEKAH TREAT
2017-10-13 update person_description BILL CLARK => BILL CLARK
2017-10-13 update person_description STORME ANDERSON => STORME ANDERSON
2017-10-13 update person_title FRANK PATTERSON: Member since 2013 FIRST Term Expires June 30, 2016 => Member of the Board
2017-10-13 update person_title STORME ANDERSON: VICE CHAIR => PRESIDENT of the Board
2016-12-28 delete alias P.A.T.H
2016-12-28 delete source_ip
2016-12-28 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2016-12-28 insert source_ip
2014-07-23 delete address 309 W Pinon St, Farmington, NM 87401
2014-07-23 insert address P.A.T.H. 520 Hydro Plant Rd, Farmington, NM 87401
2014-07-23 insert fax (505)258-4875
2014-07-23 update primary_contact 309 W Pinon St, Farmington, NM 87401 => P.A.T.H. 520 Hydro Plant Rd, Farmington, NM 87401