Updated 907 days ago
56 Milford Street Brookline, NH 03033
Stove Keepers has been serving your wood and wood pellet needs since 1998. We sell the highest quality wood and wood pellet stoves and fireplace inserts, furnaces, boilers and wood pellet grills. We offer professional services and stock venting, cleaning supplies and accessories. We keep thousands of parts on hand for fast efficient service. We offer fuel year round for pick up and delivery... WARRANTY PLUS- Most stove manufacturers provide a parts only warranty. We have made a commitment to our customers. If anything goes wrong with your stove, the manufacturer will warranty the parts and Stove Keepers will provide the service free of charge! No hidden fees for customers in our service area!... SERVICE- A well cared for wood pellet stove may last up to twenty years! Stove Keepers offers cleaning and maintenance services year round. We also provide training demos for do-it-yourself-ers! We factory, industry, and field train our stove specialists to provide fast reliable service for..