Carl Johnson

Job Titles:
  • Service Manager
For over 20 years, Carl has been educating and managing TASCO service technicians. With responsibilities that include coordinating all specialty jobs and instructing the in-house program for the AWT Water Treatment program, Carl's expertise ensures that all services are executed as effectively and proficiently as possible.

Loretta Shriner - CEO

Job Titles:
  • CEO
Loretta brings over 25 years of experience in financial and administrative management to TASCO. As acting majority owner, Loretta is responsible for financial reporting, business performance, and strategic growth initiatives. Her expertise includes fiscal management and oversight, budget coordination, and financial analysis.

Thomas Shriner - President

Job Titles:
  • President
For more than 35 years, Tom has worked in the water treatment industry. After graduating from the University of Maryland, he was associated with a Dearborn Aqua-Serv distributorship. Seeing a need to provide a greater flexibility of products and processes, Tom founded TASCO Water Works in 1982. His responsibilities include managing the day to day operations and setting a company-wide standard for innovation and excellence. Even still, Tom continues to visit client sites in order to perpetually understand the evolving needs of the engineers and property managers first-hand. Tom is a Board Certified Maryland Engineer which further shows his devotion to the industry. Tom continues his professional education through Buckman Laboratories' courses and shares his knowledge as an instructor for the National Association of Power Engineers (NAPE).