Bob Hothem

Job Titles:
  • General Partner

Brent Sheffield

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Acquisitions Team
Brent is a member of the acquisitions team within the Buy-Out Company. As a Colorado native he has seen the growth of the Denver area first hand and loves working in the place he has always called home. He works to help identify and support individuals who are looking to sell their homes quickly and conveniently. Brent also has experience in the construction industry in Colorado including construction involving residential renovations and improvements. When Brent is not working to acquire homes to improve for future owners he is spending time at his own home with his family. He loves playing games and talking with his wife and children, playing a variety of sports, seeing the great outdoors, and working to improve his own home. When he can find the time, Brent loves to road-trip with the family or travel abroad and see the world through new eyes.

Chris Kelly

Job Titles:
  • Construction Manager

Doug Perry

Job Titles:
  • General Partner

Jennifer Heineman

Jennifer Heineman is responsible for many ongoing operations within the Buy-Out Company. She works as one of our in house Real Estate Agents and is responsible for listing and selling the majority of our renovated properties. Jennifer also has extensive responsibilities in our property management division. She oversees more than 150 rental properties and has a great rapport with our residents. Before joining The Buy-Out Company, Jennifer spent seven years in the military working in communications. The work ethic, interpersonal skills and attention to detail she acquired while serving have provided the perfect foundation for her responsibilities with our company. Jennifer, thank you for your service. Jennifer loves traveling with her husband and experiencing other cultures. She also enjoys living near the mountains and all they have to offer. If she's not camping, hiking or off-roading, she can be found curled up with a good book or planning her next adventure.

Justin Perry

Job Titles:
  • Special Projects & Property Management
  • Special Projects & Property Manager

Murray Howell

Job Titles:
  • Accounting & IT