TRUE SKY - Key Persons

George Braun - President

Job Titles:
  • President
For the past 27 years, George has been helping companies streamline their business processes with their financial systems. Realizing that budgeting and forecasting was the biggest area of improvement for most companies, True Sky was developed. George is focused on building relationships with the partners and their clients. When he's not working, you can find him mountain biking or kiteboarding on a tropical vacation.

Orgad Gratch - CEO

Job Titles:
  • CEO
As a CPA himself, Orgad has worked with numerous companies in the financial systems space, and found budgeting was always a time consuming challenge. Seeing the need in the marketplace for a solution that was scalable, efficient and supported, True Sky was born. His focus is on customer service and ensuring clients' needs are always understood and addressed. When he's not wearing his CEO hat, you can hear him quoting Seinfeld around the office or sharing stories about his daughter.