Carol Dickie

Job Titles:
  • Member of ARLA Inventory Providers
  • Owner of Árdanach Lettings Ltd
Carol Dickie is the owner of Árdanach Lettings Ltd and she has been involved in the Ayrshire letting market since 1997. Having been a landlord herself, she understands the worries and concerns from a landlord point of view, not just as an agent. Now, Árdanach offers local knowledge and expert advice throughout North, East and South Ayrshire and the South Side of Glasgow. Carol is also a Member of ARLA Inventory Providers (MARLA (Inv)) and the company are members of the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH), Landlord Accreditation Scotland (LAS) and the Scottish Association of Landlords (SAL). If you are a self- managing landlord it can be of huge benefit to have an Inventory for your property provided by a third party. This can help should there be a deposit dispute at the end of a tenancy as you will have an unbiased, detailed (including embedded and dated photographs) record of the fabric and contents of your property. HERE