Ashley Brasher

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board
Ashley is a LPN Clinical Liaison at Mercy Rehabilitation Hospital. She works to assist with the communication with patients and clinicians who are interested in rehab. She will come to the bedside &/or home and educate about rehab. Ashley gathers medical information and communicates this to the admission intake with the Rehab Hospital Medical staff & Rehab Physician. Ashley works to help local seniors to network within our community. Being a SCA Board Member gives her an opportunity to learn about programs/events in our area & share this information with patients and families. Ashley says it is an honor to be a part of such a great group of leaders in the area.

Britney Deghi

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board

Candace Cox - President

Job Titles:
  • President
Candace is a Community Liaison for Home Helpers Home Care. She is the 2024 Senior Care Alliance Board President. Candace has a love for those who are elderly and in need of assistance. Her personal goal in life aligns with the Mission and Vision of Senior Care Alliance, which is to Educate and assist those in need to have the best quality of life possible and to be educated prior to getting into a situation where they feel desperate and do not know where to turn.

DJ Madison

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board

Emma Hunt

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board
Emma is a Licensed Master Social Worker for Baptist Health Senior Care. She works with an interdisciplinary team of individuals to provide case management and support for her client's and their families. Emma is a SCA Board Member where she can provide and learn about resources within the community, establish connections with representatives of various agencies, and most importantly, empower older adults and their caregivers.

Holli Willis

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board
  • CEO of Legacy Heights
Holli is the CEO of Legacy Heights and Memory Lane in Van Buren. She has been in this position for 5 years and loves representing our community where we have wonderful residents and fantastic staff. Holli is interested in networking with others in our community that provide services and support for our Seniors and their families.

Jarrett Davis - VP

Job Titles:
  • Vice President
Passionate about community, Jarett Davis is committed to serving seniors in the River Valley. As a local insurance agent, he specializes in Medicare plan options, dental and life insurance. Jarett is the 2024 Vice-President of the Senior Care Alliance Board with a desired goal to provide education to our community and to act as a guide in navigating Medicare options.

Julie Strickland - Treasurer

Job Titles:
  • Treasurer
  • Volunteer Manager
  • SCA Treasurer
Julie is the Volunteer Manager with Heart of Hospice, formerly Peachtree Hospice. She is happy to say she has been a member of Senior Care Alliance since 2016. She says she loves the mission of SCA: to serve as a unified resource and advocate for regional senior citizens, formal and informal caregivers. She has had many opportunities over the years to educate and inform the community of resources available for themselves or loved ones. Our membership really does their best to coordinate resources appropriate for the needs of the individual. Julie is the Board Treasurer of SCA for 2024.

Kendall Price

Job Titles:
  • Lifetime Member

Louise Spaunhurst

Job Titles:
  • Secretary

Saige Small

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board