Pet Sylist

Job Titles:
  • CEO / Senior Pet Sylist
Ronni Davis moved from California to join Team Busy Scissors in January of 2012. She has always loved animals and knew that her future career had to involve working with them. Ms. Davis has accumulated over ten years of experience working with dogs and other animals. She started volunteering at a young age for a service/therapy dog organizations called Canine Companions for Independence & Love Heels Canine Partners. Ms. Davis began fostering puppies and eventually became a qualified puppy raiser/trainer. She built a clientele for dog sitting which included service/therapy dogs, as well as pets. This taught her how to keep all dogs calm, submissive and balanced through grooming, training, and exercise. Ms. Davis was a head sales associate for Pet People, a holistic pet supply store. While there, she learned nutrition, remedies, and provided solutions for every client's need. She also learned to groom professionally during this time and received hands-on training from an AKC certified judge. In San Diego, California she groomed and trained professionally for a total of five years in her own shop and simultaneously at Camp Schultz Boarding Kennel. Ronni Davis continues expanding her knowledge and expertise every day while working in Oahu.

Whitney Taylor

Job Titles:
  • Founder / CEO / Senior Pet Stylist
Busy Scissors Mobile Pet Spa LLC was founded by Whitney Taylor in the fall of 2010. What started out as a solo career endeavor quickly became much more. With over 10 years of grooming experience, Ms. Taylor knew that Hawaiian residents and their furry family members could greatly benefit from her knowledge and expertise. She believes that comfort and functionality are the most important aspects of grooming. Many pets are turned away from traditional grooming shops for being too young, too old, or just too hard to handle. These special cases need someone who understands them and has been professionally trained on the safest and most efficient way to handle any pet. Using this commitment to humane grooming tactics and as a foundation to build a business upon, Ms. Taylor focused on expanding and helping as many clients as possible. Once word got out that Busy Scissors provided high quality grooming and professional customer service all at the convenience of the client's front door, demand in Oahu skyrocketed. A team of carefully selected and highly trained individuals was assembled and quality control became the company's number one priority. Ms. Taylor is looking forward to further expansion of the company and promoting the message that good grooming habits are essential to the health and well being of all pets.