Mandy Wildman

Mandy is committed to helping people understand why they're here, what they're supposed to be doing, and how they can live their most magical life. She uses her strong intuitive abilities to get to the heart of any situation or challenge her clients may be struggling with. With over 20 years as a marketing and business coach and web design and branding specialist, Mandy brings clarity, warmth and humor to her one-one-one, workshops, and mentoring programs. Mandy has written 6 books, including the inspirational book THE SUCCESS MEMOS which she co-authored with her husband, Wayne Porter. Mandy and Wayne live in the beautiful mountains of Western North Carolina with their three fabulous kids and a small zoo of dogs, chickens and a very tolerant ginger tom cat. Greetings! I'm a business mentor and website designer. I'm obsessed with helping vibrant entrepreneurs have profitable businesses they adore.