MSL - Key Persons

Abigail Cadogan

Job Titles:
  • Account Manager
Abigail Cadogan, an account manager in our employee team, wants there to be more Welsh speakers. "Today only around 11% of the Welsh population can speak the language fluently - I want to be one of the ones that increases that. I'm using the prize to learn Welsh and once I feel confident enough to chat in Welsh, I'm planning to experiment with some new photography equipment and travel to parts of Wales I've never visited."

Charlie Ffitch

Job Titles:
  • Head of Delivery and Digital, Has Been One of the Latest Recipients of Our Renegade Master Prize.
Charlie Ffitch, our Head of Delivery and Digital, has been one of the latest recipients of our Renegade Master prize.

Ed Brittain

Ed Brittain, our head of social and influence, says "the Renegade Master prize celebrates our value of ‘Do It.' And our agency values of bravery and boldness. So when faced with £1000 and the chance to do something bold, brave and actually DO IT vs thinking about it … I got a tattoo.