Julie Corlett

Julie Corlett's love of horses began when her father first took her to the pony rides when she was a small child. At age 7 Julie took her first riding lessons and at age 9 got her first horse. Julie decided to try some dressage lessons at the age of 17 and has been hooked ever since. In 1983 Julie traveled to England where she attended a British Horse Society Approved riding school for six months and earned her B.H.S.A.I. at the age of 19. Julie's 4-H horse leader gave Julie her first job -halter breaking young race horses- at the age of 14. Julie groomed and trained horses for a couple of Arabian Horse Ranches and upon returning from England, launched her teaching career in 1983. Julie is a U.S.D.F. (United States Dressage Federation) L Graduate and also a U.S.D.F. Bronze and Silver Medalist. She has trained many dressage horses and taken several to the F.E.I. levels. Julie also has students who compete up to the Prix St. Georges level. Julie has participated in several of Charles De Kunffy ‘s Instructors Workshops and in many of his riding clinics. Julie loves Charles' methods as they follow the classical principles of dressage and work to create harmony between horse and rider.