Charlton Asher

Charlton Asher is our Oral Health Therapist. Charlie graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Oral Health from the University of Charles Sturt. Charlie was proudly the 2020 recipient of the Golder Scaler Award for exceptional skills. Her scope of practice allows her to treat all your child's dental needs, including decay reduction and preventative treatments, x-rays, restorations, and orthodontic referral if required.

Dr Sharon Mathai

Dr Sharon Mathai (BDS) (ADC Melb) has a keen eye for aesthetics fostering a special interest in Cosmetic Dentistry, Smile Design and Whitening. Dr Sharon is enthusiastic in her passion for people and dentistry and her skills are complemented by her attention to form and shade. Sharon enjoys all aspects of her profession and is particularly suited to calming anxious patients.

Dr Thomas Mathai

Dr Thomas Mathai (BDS) (Syd) (FACNEM) is a fellow of the Australasian College of Nutrition and Environmental Medicine. As his qualifications suggest Dr Thomas has a special interest in nutrition and its effects on the body, specifically dental decay and inflammation. Thomas enjoys the challenge of complex cases, particularly lost tooth replacement and dental conditions resulting from sleep disturbance.