Dr. Tanuja Gosavi

Dr. Tanuja Gosavi earned her Doctor of Dental Surgery at the prestigious New York University with Honors in Esthetic Dentistry and has practiced for a number of years, first in Connecticut, and more recently here in the Bay Area. She also has a Masters in Healthcare Administration from Ohio. Her patients would describe her as kind and caring. She takes the time with each of them to make sure their concerns are addressed and they are as comfortable as possible. She loves to educate her patients and feels that they all should be well informed about their oral health condition and ways to maintain and improve it. She is a strong believer in continuing education to ensure that her patients receive the highest quality dental care and has continued to hone her skills with a number of continuing education courses over the years. Dr. Gosavi considers her practice as an extension of family. She is an active and integral part of the Mountain View and Los Altos community. She believes that this is the best way to give back and form tighter bonds with the community that has already given her so much. Dr Gosavi lives in Los Altos with her husband and children. Her hobbies include writing, travelling and spending time with friends and family.