Updated 297 days ago
200 2nd Ave. #326 ​Saint Pete, FL 33701
The patenting round is the toughest. Not only do our ideas go through the full scrutiny of the best legal counsel available to us. Once it passes this research phase it enters the 2 year review process of a very thorough USPTO board. To give you an idea of how selective this process is. In the 4 years TLG has been in business, our team has only been able to secure one utility patent grant...
After the patent is granted we work with the top manufacturers and market makers to determine the best fit for our intellectual property. At this point our marketing and sales departments take over creating original slogans, logos and other marketing tools that best showcase our Intellectual property how we intend it to be experienced by the consumer...
Our team of professional engineers, entrepreneurs and marketing gurus follow a very straight forward proven path towards intellectual property research and development. However, straight forwardness is certainty not to be mistaken for simplicity.