Alex Caramella

Job Titles:
  • Chief Operating and Risk Officer
  • in 2021 As the Manager
Alex joined Negentropy in 2021 as the manager responsible for institutional relations and took the role of Chief Operating and Risk Officer in 2023. Alex joins the Negentropy Board bringing over 28

Ferruccio Ferrara - CEO

Job Titles:
  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Founding Partner
Ferruccio founded Negentropy Capital Partners in 2009 with the objective of taking advantage of the opportunities in the credit market post the financial crisis. Prior to this he had a long and distinguished career in investment banking holding Managing Director positions at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Deutsche Bank and Morgan Stanley in London. His clients included financial institutions and asset managers in Europe, the Middle East and Asia. He began his career in Italy as an associate professor in the banking department of Bocconi University. He holds a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration with a focus on Finance from Bocconi University.

Giuseppe Galimberti

Job Titles:
  • Non Executive Director
Giuseppe joined Negentropy in October 2010 as a Partner. Prior to that he spent 20 years in Investment Banking at an International level, mainly covering Fixed-Income products in European financial markets. After spending seven years at Deutsche Bank AG as Head of Global Markets Italian Sales in London and three years as Head of Italian Trading at Morgan Stanley, he went on to take the role of Head of Financial Markets at Banca IMI and then Head of Southern European Distribution at UBS. Since 2016, Giuseppe has been managing a portfolio of private equity investments.

Oscar Pasqualin

Job Titles:
  • Associate
Prior to joining Negentropy in 2018, Oscar worked as an intern at KPMG and Studio TZ & A. He obtained his MSc in Finance from ESADE Business School in Barcelona, where he specialised in Alternative Asset Management. Oscar holds a Bachelor Degree in Economics and Finance from Bocconi University.

Paolo di Filippo TEP

Job Titles:
  • Non - Executive Director
  • International Tax Consultant
  • Paolo Di
Paolo is an international tax consultant with over thirty years of experience providing services to corporates, trusts, family offices and financial institutions. After a long career as Managing Director of Intertrust Group and Tfwealth Group, Paolo founded VERA Group Ltd. He is also a Professional Trustee and Director of Regent Capital Trustees Ltd. Paolo is an FCA registered Board Member of Sator Capital Ltd and Sator GP Ltd (Profilo Bank), Negentropy Ltd and Orion Wealth LLP. He is also a member of STEP, a global professional association for practitioners who specialise in family inheritance and succession planning. He has been a speaker and author of several articles on International Tax subjects as well as a Lecturer at the Master Course of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Milan on International Trust Law from 2006 to 2009. Paolo holds a Bachelor Degree in Economics and Political Science (University of Turin) and an L.LM. Masters Degree in International Tax Law at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).