ENFONIC - Key Persons

Bruna Barros

Job Titles:
  • Administrator
Bruna is across all aspects of the back-office including customer support, quality control, marketing and budgeting. Bruna has bachelor in Pharmacy and Biochemistry and has a post-degree in Cosmetology's Research and Development.

David Courtney

Job Titles:
  • Technical Manager ( Acoustics )
David studied Mechatronic Engineering in DCU and always had a keen interest in music and acoustics, which fits perfectly within Enfonic's remit.

Gary Duffy - Founder, Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Founder
  • Managing Director
Gary is a founder member of the Irish Branch of the Institute of Acoustics (IOA) and an established committee member. Gary is passionate about the world of acoustic and after ten years working at B&K, Enfonic was established to further develop the professionalism of the market in Ireland. Over that time, Gary has been advisor, educator and consultant; he co-wrote the EPA's original guidance note on noise and represented the IOA on the technical advisory committee of the Department of the Environment's revision of Part E (Sound Insulation) of the Building Regulations. He was the first student of the IOA Diploma in Acoustic and Noise in Ireland and went on to teach the diploma in 2010. He has a great deal of experience collaborating with industry, identifying challenges and developing practical solutions for many types of environmental, architectural, product and occupational noise & vibration issues.

Justin Kwan

Job Titles:
  • Senior Consultant
Justin has a depth of knowledge and experience gained over nearly three decades and across disciplines, continents, and roles. He has acquired hand-on experience in construction, HVAC, M&E, and acoustics and has considerable management, acoustics research and testing skills. His acoustics expertise, first developed in a major international consultant firm, has been deployed on major projects across the globe including hotels, commercial, energy, residential and transportation. Justin's considerable experience is invaluable to Enfonic's staff and clients alike. He oversees technical matters, manages projects as well as advising design and engineering teams.

Kial Wallace

Job Titles:
  • Field Engineer
Kial is our newest team member and looks after our monitoring installations, hire instruments and supports our long-term monitoring clients. Kial has a bachelor's degree in Music and Audio Production and is currently undergoing an intensive training programme.

Patricia Redondo

Job Titles:
  • Consultant
Patricia has a master's degree in Acoustic Engineering and a BEng from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Patricia's passion is architectural acoustics, particularly auditoria and has worked on numerous commercial and residential designs since joining Enfonic in 2020. She specialises in noise modelling and also undertakes environmental impact assessments including EIAR chapters for Wind Turbines and BS4142 industrial impact assessments.