Abi Carmen

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder - Technical Strategist
Formerly from Chicago (26 cold years) but since January 2003 I have been living in Destin, Florida one of the most beautiful towns in the world. Aside from the laid back atmosphere, Destin and the surrounding 16 little beach enclaves are home to some of the most gorgeous white sand beaches I have ever seen in the 18+ countries I have been to. With my move South, I have created an abundance in my life due to the commitment, perseverance, positive attitude, personal development and what I love most, just being me. I used to think I had to be the somebody someone else wanted but I learned that if I'm just myself, I will attract others like me to me. There is so much power within us all if we just figure out how to discover it or find a mentor to help us realize it. We were created for greatness, each of us in our own right, to touch and impact the lives of others. We were created with all the ‘stuff' we need to succeed but somewhere along the way, we adopted belief systems that have kept us from reaching our full potential in life.