GAIT DOCTOR - Key Persons

Dr. Chad Gordon

Job Titles:
  • Doctor of Chiropractic, Sports Chiropractor, Biomechanical Expert
Dr Chad was a professional triathlete before commencing his Chiropractic degree in San Francisco, USA on a triathlon scholarship. During his degree he won the USA Regional and National Triathlon Championships and came 2nd at World Champs. He graduated in 1995 and competed semi-pro in road cycling. Chad now competes in trail running and surf lifesaving. Over the years he has provided rehabilitation and sports injury recovery for pro mountain bike teams and cared for professional athletes in various disciplines. This unique experience has exposed him to the significant effects of sports injuries, not only at a professional level but also at school and fun fitness participation. To help in this arena, Dr Chad has specialised in extremity and sports injury management for the past 20 years and now works alongside Dr Cherye Roche at The Gait Doctor, to help clients of all ages recover from injury and achieve optimal health and wellbeing. Dr Chad was a professional triathlete before commencing his Chiropractic degree in 1990. During his degree he won the USA Regional and National Triathlon Championships and came 2nd at World Champs. He graduated in 1995 and specialises in extremity and sports injury management.

Dr. Cherye Roche

Job Titles:
  • Doctor of Chiropractic, Sports Chiropractor, Biomechanical Expert, Founder
  • Professional Biography
I came to my professional work as a biomechanist and Doctor of Chiropractic through my feet! As a young college volleyball athlete, I was suffering with chronic recurring foot arch, heel, shin and low back pain, which I associated with being in a ‘jumping' sport. I spent many hours in the training room with ice, heat, ultrasound, massage, taping, etc. with minimal success. This went on for 2 years while I was in college. When I moved up to the University level, I finally got higher quality sports medicine care. The physiotherapist introduced me to the podiatrist, who gave me orthotics. This resolved the foot and leg pain in just 4 weeks. The low back pain was a bit better, but still there. So, the podiatrist introduced me to the Chiropractor. They consulted together, modified my orthotics, and I received 8 treatments with the Chiropractor. My back pain was gone, and my foot and leg also completely resolved. I played intercollegiate volleyball for 2 more years before graduating with a degree in kinesiology (the study of human movement). While studying kinesiology and exercise physiology at the University of Washington (USA), I earned a bachelor's degree, plus certification as an athletic trainer (A.T.C.). I also served as an intern at the U.S. Olympic Training Centre in Colorado Springs (USA). I then worked as an exercise physiologist in the fitness industry before going on to Chiropractic College. I graduated from Western States Chiropractic College in Portland, Oregon (USA) before going on to work in private practice for 11 years in the Seattle Washington. During this time, I worked as a Chiropractor and athletic trainer at the Goodwill Games, as well as serving as a team Chiropractor for a variety of athletes and teams of both professional and amateur status. My private practice focuses on spinal health, sports injury care, the resolution of chronic complaints, functional biomechanics, custom orthotic therapy and nutritional support for optimal health. During my practice years I was invited to join Bastyr University of Natural Medicine in Seattle Washington as an adjunct faculty member. I loved teaching so much that I then took a full time post as an assistant professor at The University of Western States - Chiropractic Department in Portland Oregon. In 2001 I immigrated to the UK where I worked as a senior lecturer at the University of Surrey - European Institute of Health and Medical Science, and then at the University Glamorgan-Welsh Institute of Chiropractic training programme. I then immigrated to New Zealand in 2009. From 2010 to 2013 I was on the faculty and clinical supervision staff at the New Zealand College of Chiropractic. I have lectured on a variety of topics, supervised research projects, and tutored Chiropractic interns. My areas of expertise are; spinal and extremity adjusting, functional rehabilitation, functional orthotic therapy, and nutritional support for musculoskeletal conditions, and general wellness. Dr Cherye earned a bachelor's degree, plus certification as an athletic trainer (A.T.C.) at the University of Washington. She also served as an intern at the U.S. Olympic Training Centre in Colorado Springs (USA), then worked as an exercise physiologist in the fitness industry before going on to Chiropractic College. Here areas of expertise are; spinal and extremity adjusting, functional rehabilitation, functional orthotic therapy, and nutritional support for musculoskeletal conditions.