INCREMENT - Key Persons

Simon Ward

Job Titles:
  • Founder and Managing Director of Increment Ltd and Former Proprietor of InsideTrack
The Increment team is led by Simon Ward, founder and Managing Director of Increment Ltd and former proprietor of InsideTrack. He strives to provide creative solutions to the problems facing the agricultural industry based on sound technical understanding and sophisticated analysis. There are few other individuals in UK agriculture with his range of knowledge and experience. Background: Oxford graduate with 30 years' experience of providing business and agronomic advice to farm businesses. His career began in ADAS (first dairy and then arable responsibilities) and then moved to Bidwells, Cambridge where he became Research Director before leaving in 2001 to set up Increment Ltd. Qualifications and memberships: BA Agricultural and Forest Sciences, Member of the Institute of Agricultural Management, Member of the British Institute of Agricultural Consultants, BASIS trained