Brad Trittipo

Job Titles:
  • Owner & Head Trainer
I have been interested in firearms since receiving my first .22 rifle as a child. My interest in firearms continued to expand while in Scounting as a youth and continued to grow as I joined 4-H Shooting Sports as a Teenager and began hunting. After attending my first Indiana Hunter Education class, I made the decision that I would like to help ensure that others safely enjoyed firearms, so in 1998 I became an Indiana Hunter Education Instructor. As an Indiana Hunter Education Instructor I have had the great opportunity to teach both adults and children and had the opportunity to teach at the Indiana Conservation Officer's Karl Kelly Camp. In 2012, I decided to obtain my NRA certifications so I could assist in training Scouts in the proper use and safe handling of firearms. After being asked, over the years, if I would teach firearms classes other than Hunter Education I decided to start my own training company to provide quality instruction to those looking to be proactive in their own personal safety and the safety of their families. I have always believed that the best trainers attend training themselves. I strive to pass on the knowledge and techniques I have gained from excellent instructors such as Louis Awerbuck, Pat Rogers, Steve Tarani, Sheriff Ken Campbell and Bayan Dakuginow. I am also an armorer for the AR-15 / M-16 and Remington 870 platforms and Glock Pistols.