Updated 917 days ago
2514 First Ave. Ketchikan, AK 99901
RYC is an accredited behavioral health provider offering short and long-term community-based residential, out-patient clinical, and therapeutic rehabilitation services to Alaskan youth who may be experiencing mental and/or behavioral challenges. We work with local and state organizations to provide a variety of services including, but not limited to, foster care services, afterschool programs, early prevention services, and community campaigns. Residential Youth Care is located in Ketchikan on a beautiful remote island in Southeast Alaska... RYC is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Please consider donating to further our mission of serving the youth and families of Alaska... RYC's programs are based on components of the Teaching Family model. The goal of this model is to teach effective daily living using 15 key social skills youth and families can use to help them be more successful in relationships, in career development, in child-rearing, and in problem-solving in..