Updated 18 days ago
  • ID: 24549939/121
Henri Masson Perkins, Quebec, 1971
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Primary location: Perkins United States
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Honorable René Cormier, Honourable David P.Smith, Honourable Day, Honourable Eric Bernston, Honourable Joyce Farbairn, Honourable Nathan Nurgitz, Honourable Philippe D. Gigantès, Honourable Rose-Marie Losier-Cool, Honourable William H. Rompkey, Joseph A. Day, PAMELA WALLIN, Roméo A. Dallaire, The Honorable John Bryden, The Honorable René Cormier, The Honorable Terry M. Mercer, The Honourable Art Eggleton, The Honourable Arthur J. Tremblay, The Honourable Arthur M. Pearson, The Honourable Brenda M. Robertson, The Honourable Charlie Watt, The Honourable Claudette Tardif, The Honourable Colin Kenny, The Honourable Consiglio Di Nino, The Honourable Daniel Hays, The Honourable Daniel Lang, The Honourable David A. Croll, The Honourable David Tkachuk, The Honourable Davis Angus, The Honourable Day, Joseph A., The Honourable Denis Dawson, The Honourable Dennis Glen Patterson, The Honourable Diane F Griffin, The Honourable Donald H. Oliver, The Honourable Doug Black, The Honourable Douglas D. Everett, The Honourable E. Leo Kolber, The Honourable Earl A. Hastings, The Honourable Eileen Rossiter, The Honourable Eugene Whelan, The Honourable Eymard G. Corbin, The Honourable Fabian Manning, The Honourable Finlay MacDonald, The Honourable George I. Smith, The Honourable George van Roggen, The Honourable Gerald J. Comeau, The Honourable Gerry St. Germain, The Honourable Ghislain Maltais, The Honourable Gildas L. Molgat, The Honourable Gérald Beaudoin, The Honourable H. Carl Goldenberg, The Honourable Hartland de M. Molson, The Honourable Hazen Argue, The Honourable Henry D. Hicks, The Honourable Herbert O. Sparrow, The Honourable Hugh Segal, The Honourable Ian Sinclair, The Honourable Ione J. Christensen, The Honourable Irving R. Gerstein, The Honourable Jack Austin, The Honourable Jack Marshall, The Honourable Jacques Hébert, The Honourable James Balfour, The Honourable Janis G. Johnson, The Honourable Jean-Guy Dagenais, The Honourable Jean-Marie Poitras, The Honourable Jerahmiel S. Grafstein, The Honourable Jim Munson, The Honourable Joan Fraser, The Honourable Joan Neiman, The Honourable John B. Aird, The Honourable John B. Stewart, The Honourable Joyce Fairbairn, The Honourable Keith Davey, The Honourable Kelvin Kenneth Ogilvie, The Honourable Larry W Smith, The Honourable Leonard J. Gustafson, The Honourable Lillian Eva Dyck, The Honourable Lise Bacon, The Honourable Lorna Marsden, The Honourable Lorna Milne, The Honourable Lowell Murray, The Honourable Léon Méthot, The Honourable Léopold Langlois, The Honourable M. Lorne Bonnell, The Honourable Maria Chaput, The Honourable Marie P. Poulin, The Honourable Maurice Lamontagne, The Honourable Michael A. Meighen, The Honourable Michael Forrestall, The Honourable Michael J. Kirby, The Honourable Micheal A. Meighen, The Honourable Mira Spivak, The Honourable Mobina S. B. Jaffer, The Honourable Nancy Ruth, The Honourable Nicholas W. Taylor, The Honourable Noel A. Kinsella, The Honourable Normand Grimard, The Honourable Orville H. Phillips, The Honourable P. Michael Pitfield, The Honourable Pat Carney, The Honourable Paul C. Lafond, The Honourable Percy Mockler, The Honourable Peter Stollery, The Honourable Richard H. Kroft, The Honourable Richard J. Stanbury, The Honourable Richard Neufeld, The Honourable Robert W. Runciman, The Honourable Rosa Galvez, The Honourable Royce Frith, The Honourable Salter Hayden, The Honourable Sharon Carstairs, The Honourable Shirley Maheu, The Honourable Sidney L. Buckwold, The Honourable Stephen Greene, The Honourable Sydney L. Buckwold, The Honourable Terrence R. Stratton, The Honourable Thelma Chalifoux, The Honourable Thomas Johnson McInnis, The Honourable Tommy Banks, The Honourable Vernon White, The Honourable Wanda Elaine Thomas Bernard, The Honourable Wilbert J. Keon, The Honourable William Doody, The Honourable William M. Kelly




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