SUNDOOR - Key Persons

Peggy Dylan

Peggy Dylan leads workshops and gives motivational lectures, both private and corporate, all over the world. To reach her, please contact SUNDOOR via the address or telephone number below, or send an email using the form. Peggy Dylan is considered a practical mystic and is widely respected as one of the world's foremost spiritual teachers. She is the founder of Sundoor School of Transpersonal Education and is the originator of Contemporary Firewalking. This has expanded the firewalking experience to all corners of the globe. All of her teachings are directed toward both spiritual well-being and personal and professional success. Peggy's work embodies what Saints and Masters have taught for thousands of years - happiness and success come through our alignment with Spirit. The powerful body of her work has grown from her personal journey, which began with an experience of enlightenment when she was twelve. At sixteen she was recognized as a future spiritual teacher and was taught through an intensive apprenticeship with Sadguru Keshavadas, an Indian saint and mystic. Peggy became a pioneer in spiritual and leadership trainings in the late ‘70s and catapulted Firewalking to international attention in 1982. In the following two decades, she has powerfully impacted hundreds of thousands with her unique techniques for personal achievement and spiritual well-being. Peggy has an unbreakable commitment to every student who works with her. Thousands of people have experienced deep and long lasting transformation by being in her energetic presence. She is very approachable and has a great sense of humor. Within the deeply transforming environment of her work you will awaken your own power and grace to manifest what you really want from your life!