DIGITAL CONTENT NEXT - History of Changes

2025-01-08 delete ceo Zach Leonard
2025-01-08 delete person Chad Brady
2025-01-08 delete person Heather Dietrick
2025-01-08 delete person Tiffany O'Callaghan
2025-01-08 update person_title Zach Leonard: CEO => COO, President North America
2024-10-23 delete otherexecutives Daniel Hallac
2024-10-23 delete person Daniel Hallac
2024-10-23 delete person Pamela Drucker Mann
2024-10-23 insert person Bridget Williams
2024-10-23 insert person Craig Kostelic
2024-06-20 insert coo Evan Silverman
2024-06-20 insert person Evan Silverman
2024-04-03 delete ceo Alex Vargas
2024-04-03 delete ceo James Freiman
2024-04-03 delete ceo Jim Spanfeller
2024-04-03 delete ceo Linda Henry
2024-04-03 delete evp Cally Baute
2024-04-03 delete founder Neil Patel
2024-04-03 delete otherexecutives Jenny Burke
2024-04-03 delete otherexecutives Michael Zimbalist
2024-04-03 delete otherexecutives Neil Patel
2024-04-03 delete president Andrew Morse
2024-04-03 delete president Marcela Martin
2024-04-03 delete vp Jason Tollestrup
2024-04-03 insert ceo Sheri Bachstein
2024-04-03 insert otherexecutives Dan Check
2024-04-03 insert otherexecutives Pamela Wasserstein
2024-04-03 insert otherexecutives Peter Weinberger
2024-04-03 insert otherexecutives Sarah McConville
2024-04-03 insert svp Lauren Stanich
2024-04-03 insert treasurer Sheri Bachstein
2024-04-03 delete person Alex Vargas
2024-04-03 delete person Alysia Borsa
2024-04-03 delete person Andrew Morse
2024-04-03 delete person Andrew Rosen
2024-04-03 delete person Bob Cohn
2024-04-03 delete person Cally Baute
2024-04-03 delete person Dan Callahan
2024-04-03 delete person Debby Krenek
2024-04-03 delete person Dietrich von Klaeden
2024-04-03 delete person James Freiman
2024-04-03 delete person Jason Tollestrup
2024-04-03 delete person Jenny Burke
2024-04-03 delete person Jim Spanfeller
2024-04-03 delete person Kate Gutman
2024-04-03 delete person Linda Henry
2024-04-03 delete person Marcela Martin
2024-04-03 delete person Michael Zimbalist
2024-04-03 delete person Neil Patel
2024-04-03 delete person Robin Thurston
2024-04-03 delete person Simone Oliver
2024-04-03 insert person Andrew Perlman
2024-04-03 insert person Chad Brady
2024-04-03 insert person Darren Sherriff
2024-04-03 insert person Heather Dietrick
2024-04-03 insert person Johanna Mayer-Jones
2024-04-03 insert person Nada Arnot
2024-04-03 insert person Peter Weinberger
2024-04-03 insert person Ryan Whittington
2024-04-03 insert person Steve Ellis
2024-04-03 update person_title Chris Berend: EVP, Digital, NBCU News Group / NBCUniversal News Group => Chief Digital Officer, NBCU News Group / NBCUniversal News Group
2024-04-03 update person_title Dan Check: Chief Executive Officer / Slate => Member of the Executive Committee; Chief Executive Officer / the Slate Group; Chief Executive Officer / Slate
2024-04-03 update person_title Jon Slade: Vice Chair of the Executive Committee; Chief Commercial Officer / Financial Times; Vice Chair / Chief Commercial Officer / Financial => Chairman / Chief Commercial Officer / Financial; Chairman of the Executive Committee; Chief Commercial Officer / Financial Times
2024-04-03 update person_title Lauren Stanich: Membership Officer; Chief => Chief Growth Officer; SVP
2024-04-03 update person_title Pamela Wasserstein: Chairman of the Executive Committee; President => Member of the Executive Committee; President; Advisor
2024-04-03 update person_title Rafael Urbina-Quintero: Chief Operating Officer, ViX; Member of the Executive Committee => Chief Operating Officer, ViX; Member of the Executive Committee; Secretary / Chief Operating Officer, ViX
2024-04-03 update person_title Sarah McConville: EVP, Group Publisher - Harvard Busness Review => Co - President
2024-04-03 update person_title Sean Mario: Member of the Executive Committee; SVP, Digital Revenue and Business Development - WebMD Health; Treasurer / SVP, Digital Revenue and Business Development - WebMD Health => Member of the Executive Committee; SVP, Digital Revenue and Business Development - WebMD Health; Advisor / SVP, Digital Revenue and Business Development - WebMD Health
2024-04-03 update person_title Sheri Bachstein: Member of the Executive Committee; Secretary / GM, IBM Watson Advertising / CEO, the Weather Company; CEO, the Weather Company and GM, IBM Watson Advertising / the Weather Company => Member of the Executive Committee; CEO; Treasurer; CEO / the Weather Company
2023-10-18 delete coo Will Lee
2023-10-18 delete otherexecutives Amy Wilkins
2023-10-18 delete otherexecutives Jason Fox
2023-10-18 delete otherexecutives Will Lee
2023-10-18 insert ceo Zach Leonard
2023-10-18 insert president Marcela Martin
2023-10-18 delete person Amy Wilkins
2023-10-18 delete person Jason Fox
2023-10-18 delete person Will Lee
2023-10-18 insert person Christopher Turpin
2023-10-18 insert person Dan Gilgoff
2023-10-18 insert person Marcela Martin
2023-10-18 insert person Tiffany O'Callaghan
2023-10-18 insert person Zach Leonard
2023-07-01 insert president Andrew Morse
2023-07-01 insert person Andrew Morse
2023-07-01 update person_title Steve Smith: President / AccuWeather => CEO / AccuWeather
2023-05-21 delete cmo Kimberly Paige
2023-05-21 delete evp Kimberly Paige
2023-05-21 delete otherexecutives Christian Baesler
2023-05-21 delete otherexecutives Joy Robins
2023-05-21 insert ceo Alex Vargas
2023-05-21 insert otherexecutives Lauren Stanich
2023-05-21 insert otherexecutives Rafael Urbina-Quintero
2023-05-21 insert vp Jason Tollestrup
2023-05-21 delete person Christian Baesler
2023-05-21 delete person Dan Smith
2023-05-21 delete person Joy Robins
2023-05-21 delete person Kimberly Paige
2023-05-21 insert person Alex Vargas
2023-05-21 insert person Jason Tollestrup
2023-05-21 insert person Lauren Stanich
2023-05-21 insert person Simone Oliver
2023-05-21 update person_title Jason Fox: Member of the Executive Committee; Special Advisor / SVP, Commerce & GM, Buy Side; Chief Digital Officer => Special Advisor / SVP, Commerce & GM, Buy Side; Member of the Executive Committee; SVP, Commerce GM, Buy Side - the Wall Street Journal / Dow Jones
2023-05-21 update person_title Rafael Urbina-Quintero: EVP / GM AVOD Streaming and Digital => Chief Operating Officer, ViX; Member of the Executive Committee
2023-05-21 update person_title Sean Mario: Member of the Executive Committee; SVP, Digital Revenue and Business Development - WebMD Health; Secretary / SVP, Digital Revenue and Business Development - WebMD Health => Member of the Executive Committee; SVP, Digital Revenue and Business Development - WebMD Health; Treasurer / SVP, Digital Revenue and Business Development - WebMD Health
2023-05-21 update person_title Sheri Bachstein: Member of the Executive Committee; CEO, the Weather Company and GM, IBM Watson Advertising / the Weather Company; GM, IBM Watson Advertising / CEO, the Weather Company => Member of the Executive Committee; Secretary / GM, IBM Watson Advertising / CEO, the Weather Company; CEO, the Weather Company and GM, IBM Watson Advertising / the Weather Company
2023-02-26 delete otherexecutives Michael Finnegan
2023-02-26 delete treasurer Jason Fox
2023-02-26 insert ceo James Freiman
2023-02-26 insert evp Cally Baute
2023-02-26 insert otherexecutives Michael Zimbalist
2023-02-26 delete management_pages_linkeddomain
2023-02-26 delete person Jeff Collins
2023-02-26 delete person Maribel Perez Wadsworth
2023-02-26 delete person Matt Young
2023-02-26 delete person Michael Finnegan
2023-02-26 insert person Dan Callahan
2023-02-26 insert person James Freiman
2023-02-26 insert person Jeff Zellmer
2023-02-26 insert person Kate Gutman
2023-02-26 insert person Steve Smith
2023-02-26 update person_title Bill Bailey: Vice President, Government Relations - the Walt Disney Company / Disney => Senior Vice President, Government Relations - the Walt Disney Company / Disney
2023-02-26 update person_title Cally Baute: SVP, Consumer Business => General Manager; EVP
2023-02-26 update person_title Jason Fox: Member of the Executive Committee; Chief Digital Officer; Treasurer => Member of the Executive Committee; Special Advisor / SVP, Commerce & GM, Buy Side; Chief Digital Officer
2023-02-26 update person_title Michael Zimbalist: Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer / the Philadelphia Inquirer, LLC => Member of the Executive Committee; Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer / the Philadelphia Inquirer, LLC; Special Advisor / Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer
2023-02-26 update person_title Robin Thurston: CEO / Outside Inc. => CEO / Outside Interactive, Inc.
2022-12-01 delete cfo Regina Buckley
2022-12-01 delete person Shannon King
2022-12-01 delete person Turner Sports
2022-12-01 insert person Steve Sachs
2022-12-01 insert person Warner Bros
2022-12-01 update person_title Michael Finnegan: Member of the Executive Committee; Special Advisor / President; President / Bradley Media Holdings => Member of the Executive Committee; Special Advisor / President
2022-12-01 update person_title Rafael Urbina-Quintero: EVP, GM AVOD Streaming => EVP / GM AVOD Streaming and Digital
2022-12-01 update person_title Regina Buckley: CFO => Chief Financial & Strategy Officer
2022-09-21 delete president Michael Finnegan
2022-09-21 insert ceo Teddy Downey
2022-09-21 delete person James Blue
2022-09-21 delete person John Fiedler
2022-09-21 delete person Kevin Gentzel
2022-09-21 insert person Chris Casscells
2022-09-21 insert person Lora Dennis
2022-09-21 insert person Roger Keating
2022-09-21 insert person Teddy Downey
2022-09-21 update person_title Andrew Sollinger: Publisher / Foreign Policy Group => Publisher and CEO / Foreign Policy Group
2022-09-21 update person_title Michael Finnegan: Member of the Executive Committee; Special Advisor / President; President => Member of the Executive Committee; Special Advisor / President; President / Bradley Media Holdings
2022-09-21 update person_title Sheri Bachstein: Member of the Executive Committee; GM / the Weather Company; CEO, the Weather Company and GM, IBM Watson Advertising / the Weather Company => Member of the Executive Committee; CEO, the Weather Company and GM, IBM Watson Advertising / the Weather Company; GM, IBM Watson Advertising / CEO, the Weather Company
2022-07-05 delete otherexecutives M. Scott Havens
2022-07-05 delete person Christopher Shoup
2022-07-05 delete person M. Scott Havens
2022-07-05 update person_title Maribel Perez Wadsworth: President, News, Gannett Media and Publisher, USA TODAY => President, Gannett Media
2022-06-02 delete ceo M. Scott Havens
2022-06-02 insert cfo Regina Buckley
2022-06-02 insert otherexecutives Julia Beizer
2022-06-02 insert otherexecutives Kristin Heitmann
2022-06-02 delete person Jim Kennedy
2022-06-02 delete person Mike Smith
2022-06-02 insert person Julia Beizer
2022-06-02 insert person Kristin Heitmann
2022-06-02 insert person Regina Buckley
2022-06-02 update person_title M. Scott Havens: Member of the Executive Committee; Chief Executive Officer; Special Advisor / Chief Executive Officer => Member of the Executive Committee; Special Advisor / Chief Executive Officer
2022-06-02 update person_title Melissa Chickering: SVP Marketing & Subscriptions / BBC => SVP, Consumer Growth & Monetization / BBC
2022-06-02 update person_title Sheri Bachstein: Member of the Executive Committee; GM / the Weather Company; GM, the Weather Company and IBM Watson Advertising / the Weather Company => Member of the Executive Committee; GM / the Weather Company; CEO, the Weather Company and GM, IBM Watson Advertising / the Weather Company
2022-05-01 insert coo Will Lee
2022-05-01 delete person Christopher Turpin
2022-05-01 delete person Regina Buckley
2022-05-01 insert person Shannon King
2022-05-01 insert person Will Lee
2022-05-01 update person_title Alysia Borsa: President - Meredith Digital => Chief Business Officer and President of Lifestyle
2022-03-31 delete ceo Erica Carter
2022-03-31 delete otherexecutives Erica Carter
2022-03-31 insert cmo Kimberly Paige
2022-03-31 insert evp Kimberly Paige
2022-03-31 insert otherexecutives Sean Mario
2022-03-31 delete person Amy Barnett
2022-03-31 delete person Eric Schurenberg
2022-03-31 delete person Erica Carter
2022-03-31 insert person Kimberly Paige
2022-03-31 insert person Matt Young
2022-03-31 insert person Stephanie Mehta
2022-03-31 update person_title M. Scott Havens: Member of the Executive Committee; Chief Executive Officer; Special Advisor / Global Head of Digital and Media Distribution => Member of the Executive Committee; Chief Executive Officer; Special Advisor / Chief Executive Officer
2022-03-31 update person_title Sean Mario: SVP, Digital Revenue and Business Development - WebMD Health => Member of the Executive Committee; SVP, Digital Revenue and Business Development - WebMD Health; Secretary / SVP, Digital Revenue and Business Development - WebMD Health
2022-02-11 delete otherexecutives Catherine Levene
2022-02-11 delete otherexecutives Jon Slade
2022-02-11 delete president Christian Baesler
2022-02-11 insert ceo M. Scott Havens
2022-02-11 insert otherexecutives Christian Baesler
2022-02-11 insert otherexecutives Michael Finnegan
2022-02-11 insert otherexecutives Rebecca Grossman-Cohen
2022-02-11 insert otherexecutives Sheri Bachstein
2022-02-11 insert treasurer Jason Fox
2022-02-11 delete person Adam Wiener
2022-02-11 delete person Catherine Levene
2022-02-11 insert person Alysia Borsa
2022-02-11 insert person Rafael Urbina
2022-02-11 insert person Robin Thurston
2022-02-11 update person_title Christian Baesler: President => Member of the Executive Committee; COO, BuzzFeed, Inc; COO, BuzzFeed, Inc. CEO, Complex Networks
2022-02-11 update person_title Erica Carter: Member of the Executive Committee; CEO => Member of the Executive Committee; Secretary; CEO
2022-02-11 update person_title Jason Fox: Member of the Executive Committee; Chief Digital Officer => Member of the Executive Committee; Chief Digital Officer; Treasurer
2022-02-11 update person_title Jon Slade: Member of the Executive Committee; Chief Commercial Officer / Financial Times => Vice Chair of the Executive Committee; Chief Commercial Officer / Financial Times; Vice Chair / Chief Commercial Officer / Financial
2022-02-11 update person_title Joseph Rosenfeld: SVP, Innovations and Partnerships, Dow Jones / News Corp. => SVP, Partnerships, Dow Jones / News Corp.
2022-02-11 update person_title M. Scott Havens: Global Head of Digital and Media Distribution; Member of the Executive Committee; Special Advisor / Global Head of Digital and Media Distribution => Member of the Executive Committee; Chief Executive Officer; Special Advisor / Global Head of Digital and Media Distribution
2022-02-11 update person_title Melissa Chickering: VP of Marketing, BBC Global News North America / BBC => SVP Marketing & Subscriptions / BBC
2022-02-11 update person_title Michael Finnegan: Chairman of the Executive Committee; President => Member of the Executive Committee; Special Advisor / President; President
2022-02-11 update person_title Rebecca Grossman-Cohen: SVP, Chief of Staff to the CEO => Member of the Executive Committee; SVP, Chief of Staff, Office of the CEO; SVP Chief of Staff, Office of the CEO / the New York Times
2022-02-11 update person_title Sheri Bachstein: CEO, the Weather Company & GM IBM Watson Advertising / the Weather Company => Member of the Executive Committee; GM / the Weather Company; GM, the Weather Company and IBM Watson Advertising / the Weather Company
2022-02-11 update person_title Turner Sports: SVP, Client Partnerships and Head of Digital & ESports Sales Strategy => SVP, Client Partnerships and Head of Digital Revenue Strategy
2021-10-05 insert otherexecutives Daniel Hallac
2021-10-05 insert otherexecutives Jenny Burke
2021-10-05 insert person Andrew Rosen
2021-10-05 insert person Daniel Hallac
2021-10-05 insert person James Blue
2021-10-05 update person_title Jenny Burke: SVP, Ad Sales Strategy => Executive Vice President, Advertising Strategy; Member of the Executive Committee
2021-08-29 delete otherexecutives Christy Tanner
2021-08-29 delete person Christy Tanner
2021-08-29 insert person Cally Baute
2021-08-29 insert person Christopher Turpin
2021-08-29 insert person Mike Smith
2021-08-29 update person_title Chris Berend: EVP, Digital, NBCU News Group => EVP, Digital, NBCU News Group / NBCUniversal News Group
2021-07-18 delete ceo Patrick Steel
2021-07-18 delete otherexecutives Sameer Deen
2021-07-18 delete person Claudius Senst
2021-07-18 delete person John Cool
2021-07-18 delete person Patrick Steel
2021-07-18 delete person Sameer Deen
2021-07-18 delete person Tom Sly
2021-07-18 update person_title Christy Tanner: Member of the Executive Committee; Special Advisor / EVP & GM, CBS News Digital; EVP & GM, CBS News Digital => Member of the Executive Committee; Special Advisor / EVP & GM, CBS News Digital
2021-06-15 delete otherexecutives Christine Cook
2021-06-15 insert ceo Linda Henry
2021-06-15 insert otherexecutives Amy Wilkins
2021-06-15 delete person Christine Cook
2021-06-15 delete person Perrin Doniger
2021-06-15 insert person Adam Wiener
2021-06-15 insert person Amy Barnett
2021-06-15 insert person Amy Wilkins
2021-06-15 insert person Andrew Sollinger
2021-06-15 insert person Chris Berend
2021-06-15 insert person Claudius Senst
2021-06-15 insert person Dan Smith
2021-06-15 insert person David Miller
2021-06-15 insert person Eric Schurenberg
2021-06-15 insert person John Fiedler
2021-06-15 insert person Linda Henry
2021-06-15 insert person Maribel Perez Wadsworth
2021-06-15 insert person Turner Sports
2021-06-15 update person_title Sheri Bachstein: Global Head of Watson Advertising and the Weather Company / the Weather Company => CEO, the Weather Company & GM IBM Watson Advertising / the Weather Company
2021-04-18 delete otherexecutives Thomas Hjelm
2021-04-18 delete president Catherine Levene
2021-04-18 delete person Susan Fox
2021-04-18 delete person Thomas Hjelm
2021-04-18 delete source_ip
2021-04-18 insert person Bill Bailey
2021-04-18 insert source_ip
2021-04-18 insert source_ip
2021-04-18 update person_title Catherine Levene: Member of the Executive Committee; Chief Digital Officer; President => Member of the Executive Committee; President - Meredith National Media Group
2021-04-18 update person_title Rebecca Grossman-Cohen: VP Platform Strategy Partnerships => SVP, Chief of Staff to the CEO
2021-04-18 update person_title Regina Buckley: CFO and COO, US => President, US
2021-02-24 update person_title Sheri Bachstein: Global Head of Consumer Business / the Weather Company => Global Head of Watson Advertising and the Weather Company / the Weather Company
2021-01-23 delete ceo Alex Skatell
2021-01-23 delete founder Alex Skatell
2021-01-23 delete otherexecutives Evelyn Webster
2021-01-23 delete person Alex Skatell
2021-01-23 delete person Evelyn Webster
2021-01-23 delete person Michael Bishara
2021-01-23 delete source_ip
2021-01-23 insert person Regina Buckley
2021-01-23 insert source_ip
2021-01-23 update person_title Sarah McConville: SVP, Group Publisher - Harvard Busness Review => EVP, Group Publisher - Harvard Busness Review
2020-09-25 insert ceo Patrick Steel
2020-09-25 delete person Marian Pittman
2020-09-25 insert person Bob Cohn
2020-09-25 insert person Patrick Steel
2020-05-16 delete person James Freiman
2020-05-16 delete person Michael Friedenberg
2020-05-16 update person_title Dan Check: Acting CEO & Vice Chairman / Slate => Chief Executive Officer / Slate
2020-05-16 update person_title Rebecca Grossman-Cohen: VP, Audience & Platforms => VP Platform Strategy Partnerships
2020-03-17 delete otherexecutives Marty Moe
2020-03-17 delete otherexecutives Mike Kisseberth
2020-03-17 insert otherexecutives Thomas Hjelm
2020-03-17 insert president Christian Baesler
2020-03-17 delete management_pages_linkeddomain
2020-03-17 delete person Grant Whitmore
2020-03-17 delete person John Halley
2020-03-17 delete person Krishan Bhatia
2020-03-17 delete person Laura Tomlin
2020-03-17 delete person Loren Mayor
2020-03-17 delete person Marty Moe
2020-03-17 delete person Mike Kisseberth
2020-03-17 delete person Raj Bahl
2020-03-17 insert person Christian Baesler
2020-03-17 insert person Christopher Shoup
2020-03-17 insert person Jenny Burke
2020-03-17 insert person John Cool
2020-03-17 insert person Thomas Hjelm
2020-03-17 insert person Tom Sly
2020-02-15 delete ceo Pamela Wasserstein
2020-02-15 delete otherexecutives Michael Finnegan
2020-02-15 delete president Marty Moe
2020-02-15 delete treasurer Michael Finnegan
2020-02-15 insert otherexecutives M. Scott Havens
2020-02-15 insert otherexecutives Sean Mario
2020-02-15 insert president Pamela Wasserstein
2020-02-15 insert treasurer Debby Krenek
2020-02-15 update person_title Christine Cook: Member of the Executive Committee; CRO - CNN Digital; SVP & CRO - CNN Digital => Member of the Executive Committee; Secretary / SVP & CRO - CNN Digital; SVP & CRO - CNN Digital
2020-02-15 update person_title Debby Krenek: Member of the Executive Committee; Co - Publisher / Newsday Media Group => Publisher; Member of the Executive Committee; Treasurer; Publisher / Newsday Media Group
2020-02-15 update person_title Evelyn Webster: Member of the Executive Committee; CEO, Guardian US and Australia; Secretary / CEO, Guardian US & Australia => Member of the Executive Committee; CEO, Guardian US and Australia
2020-02-15 update person_title Loren Mayor: President, Operations; Vice Chair / President of Operations; Vice Chair of the Executive Committee => President, Operations; Chairman / President, Operations; Chairman of the Executive Committee
2020-02-15 update person_title M. Scott Havens: Chairman of the Executive Committee; Global Head of Digital, Bloomberg Media; Chairman / Global Head of Digital => Global Head of Digital and Media Distribution; Member of the Executive Committee; Special Advisor / Global Head of Digital and Media Distribution
2020-02-15 update person_title Marty Moe: Member of the Executive Committee; Special Advisor / President; President => Member of the Executive Committee; Special Advisor / President, Vox Media Studios; President, Vox Media Studios
2020-02-15 update person_title Michael Finnegan: Member of the Executive Committee; President; Treasurer => Vice Chair of the Executive Committee; President
2020-02-15 update person_title Pamela Wasserstein: Member of the Executive Committee; CEO => Member of the Executive Committee; President
2020-02-15 update person_title Sean Mario: SVP, Operations & Business Development => Member of the Executive Committee; SVP, Digital Revenue and Business Development - WebMD Health
2019-11-11 update person_title Laura Tomlin: SVP, National Media / E.W. Scripps Company => EVP, National Media / E.W. Scripps Company
2019-10-12 insert about_pages_linkeddomain
2019-10-12 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain
2019-10-12 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2019-10-12 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2019-10-12 update person_title Kevin Gentzel: Chief Revenue Officer, USA Today Media Network => President, Marketing Solutions & Chief Revenue Officer, USAToday Media Network
2019-09-11 insert ceo Jim Spanfeller
2019-09-11 delete email
2019-09-11 delete person Ed Davis
2019-09-11 delete person Jason Jordan
2019-09-11 delete phone 212.918.2040
2019-09-11 insert email
2019-09-11 insert person Jeff Collins
2019-09-11 insert person Jim Spanfeller
2019-09-11 insert person John Halley
2019-09-11 insert person Michael Friedenberg
2019-09-11 update person_title Marian Pittman: EVP, Digital Strategy & Research / Cox Media Group => EVP, Content / Cox Media Group
2019-09-11 update person_title Michael Zimbalist: Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer => Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer / the Philadelphia Inquirer, LLC
2019-09-11 update person_title Pamela Drucker Mann: Chief Revenue and Marketing Officer => Global Chief Revenue Officer & President, U.S. Revenue
2019-06-13 delete person Timothy Knight
2019-06-13 insert person Grant Whitmore
2019-05-12 delete coo Meredith Levien
2019-05-12 delete evp Meredith Levien
2019-05-12 insert otherexecutives Joy Robins
2019-05-12 delete person Meredith Levien
2019-05-12 delete person Shailesh Prakash
2019-05-12 insert person Joseph Rosenfeld
2019-05-12 insert person Joy Robins
2019-05-12 insert person Pamela Drucker Mann
2019-05-12 insert person Perrin Doniger
2019-05-12 insert person Rebecca Grossman-Cohen
2019-04-11 delete otherexecutives Evan Silverman
2019-04-11 delete otherexecutives Martin Nisenholtz
2019-04-11 delete otherexecutives Stan Pavlovsky
2019-04-11 insert ceo Erica Carter
2019-04-11 insert otherexecutives Catherine Levene
2019-04-11 insert otherexecutives Christine Cook
2019-04-11 insert president Catherine Levene
2019-04-11 delete management_pages_linkeddomain
2019-04-11 delete management_pages_linkeddomain
2019-04-11 delete person Alex Wellen
2019-04-11 delete person Chris Park
2019-04-11 delete person Daniel Mandell
2019-04-11 delete person Evan Silverman
2019-04-11 delete person Jesse Angelo
2019-04-11 delete person Josh Freeman
2019-04-11 delete person Marisa Russell
2019-04-11 delete person Martin Nisenholtz
2019-04-11 delete person Michael Smith
2019-04-11 delete person Stan Pavlovsky
2019-04-11 delete person Steven Smith
2019-04-11 insert person Catherine Levene
2019-04-11 insert person Erica Carter
2019-04-11 insert person Gregg Klayman
2019-04-11 insert person Michael Zimbalist
2019-04-11 insert person Raj Bahl
2019-04-11 insert person Shailesh Prakash
2019-04-11 update person_title Christine Cook: CRO - CNN Digital => Member of the Executive Committee; CRO - CNN Digital; SVP & CRO - CNN Digital
2019-04-11 update person_title Dan Check: Vice Chairman, the Slate Group / Slate => Acting CEO & Vice Chairman / Slate
2019-04-11 update person_title Sean Mario: Group Vice President of Media Operations and Ad Product Technology => SVP, Operations & Business Development
2019-03-09 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2019-03-09 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2018-12-30 delete otherexecutives Jed Hartman
2018-12-30 delete otherexecutives Troy Young
2018-12-30 delete person Jed Hartman
2018-12-30 delete person Rich Russey
2018-12-30 delete person Troy Young
2018-11-13 delete otherexecutives Fred Santarpia
2018-11-13 insert coo Meredith Levien
2018-11-13 insert evp Meredith Levien
2018-11-13 delete person Fred Santarpia
2018-11-13 delete person Isaac Showman
2018-11-13 delete person Michael J. Mellis
2018-11-13 delete person Vikki Neil
2018-11-13 insert person Alex Wellen
2018-11-13 insert person Chris Park
2018-11-13 insert person Daniel Mandell
2018-11-13 insert person Marian Pittman
2018-11-13 insert person Meredith Levien
2018-11-13 insert person Michael Smith
2018-11-13 update person_title Michael Bishara: SVP / GM, OTT and Digital Syndication / Discovery Communications, Inc. => SVP / GM, OTT and Digital Syndication / Discovery, Inc.
2018-11-13 update person_title Susan Fox: Vice President, Government Relations - the Walt Disney Company => Vice President, Government Relations - the Walt Disney Company / Disney
2018-10-09 delete coo Loren Mayor
2018-10-09 update person_title Loren Mayor: Vice Chair of the Executive Committee; COO => President, Operations; Vice Chair / President of Operations; Vice Chair of the Executive Committee
2018-09-05 delete person Leon Levitt
2018-07-30 update person_title Troy Young: Member of the Executive Committee; President, Hearst Magazines Digital Media / Hearst => Member of the Executive Committee; President, Hearst Magazines / Hearst
2018-06-16 insert otherexecutives Sameer Deen
2018-06-16 delete person Dr. Yaser Bishr
2018-06-16 delete person Joshua Macht
2018-06-16 delete person Scott Bailey
2018-06-16 insert person Christine Cook
2018-06-16 insert person Sarah McConville
2018-06-16 update person_title Sameer Deen: Senior Vice President, Univision Interactive Media => Chief Digital Officer
2018-04-20 delete person Domenic Venuto
2018-04-20 delete person Jennifer Wong
2018-04-20 delete person Jens Mueffelmann
2018-04-20 delete person Kinsey Wilson
2018-04-20 delete person Steven S. Suthiana
2018-04-20 insert person Dietrich von Klaeden
2018-04-20 insert person Rich Russey
2018-04-20 insert person Sheri Bachstein
2018-03-19 delete otherexecutives Beth Buehler
2018-03-19 delete otherexecutives Darcy Keller
2018-03-19 delete otherexecutives M. Scott Havens
2018-03-19 insert otherexecutives Evelyn Webster
2018-03-19 insert otherexecutives Fred Santarpia
2018-03-19 insert otherexecutives Jason Fox
2018-03-19 insert treasurer Michael Finnegan
2018-03-19 delete management_pages_linkeddomain
2018-03-19 delete person Beth Buehler
2018-03-19 delete person Claudius Senst
2018-03-19 delete person Darcy Keller
2018-03-19 delete person Leonora Wiener
2018-03-19 delete person Michael Silberman
2018-03-19 delete person Nick Johnson
2018-03-19 insert person Fred Santarpia
2018-03-19 insert person Jason Fox
2018-03-19 insert person Jens Mueffelmann
2018-03-19 insert person Jon Slade
2018-03-19 update person_title Christy Tanner: Member of the Executive Committee; Co - Chair / EVP & GM, CBSNews Digital; EVP & GM, CBSNews Digital => Member of the Executive Committee; Special Advisor / EVP & GM, CBS News Digital; EVP & GM, CBS News Digital
2018-03-19 update person_title Evelyn Webster: CEO / the Guardian => Member of the Executive Committee; CEO, Guardian US and Australia; Secretary / CEO, Guardian US & Australia
2018-03-19 update person_title Jed Hartman: Member of the Executive Committee; Secretary; Chief Revenue Officer => Member of the Executive Committee; Chief Revenue Officer
2018-03-19 update person_title M. Scott Havens: Member of the Executive Committee; Treasurer / Global Head of Digital; Global Head of Digital, Bloomberg Media => Chairman of the Executive Committee; Global Head of Digital, Bloomberg Media; Chairman / Global Head of Digital
2018-03-19 update person_title Marty Moe: Member of the Executive Committee; President; Co - Chair / President => Member of the Executive Committee; Special Advisor / President; President
2018-03-19 update person_title Michael Finnegan: Member of the Executive Committee; President => Member of the Executive Committee; President; Treasurer
2018-02-01 delete ceo Greg Mason
2018-02-01 delete ceo Stanley Fields
2018-02-01 delete cmo Tom Davis
2018-02-01 delete otherexecutives Hamilton Fish
2018-02-01 delete otherexecutives Lisa Valentino
2018-02-01 insert ceo Pamela Wasserstein
2018-02-01 insert otherexecutives Mike Kisseberth
2018-02-01 delete person Adam Symson
2018-02-01 delete person Andrew Sollinger
2018-02-01 delete person Greg Mason
2018-02-01 delete person Hamilton Fish
2018-02-01 delete person Lisa Valentino
2018-02-01 delete person Stanley Fields
2018-02-01 delete person Stephen Gandee
2018-02-01 delete person Tom Davis
2018-02-01 insert person Claudius Senst
2018-02-01 insert person Isaac Showman
2018-02-01 insert person Josh Freeman
2018-02-01 insert person Laura Tomlin
2018-02-01 insert person Mike Kisseberth
2018-02-01 insert person Pamela Wasserstein
2018-02-01 update person_title Christy Tanner: Member of the Executive Committee; Co - Chair / SVP & GM, CBSNews Digital; SVP & GM, CBSNews Digital => Member of the Executive Committee; Co - Chair / EVP & GM, CBSNews Digital; EVP & GM, CBSNews Digital
2018-02-01 update person_title Debby Krenek: Co - Publisher => Co - Publisher / Newsday Media Group
2018-02-01 update person_title Michael Silberman: Vice Chair of the Executive Committee; General Manager, Digital Media; Vice Chair / General Manager, Digital Media => Vice Chair of the Executive Committee; Vice Chair / General Manager, Digital Media
2018-02-01 update person_title Scott Bailey: President, Automotive => EVP, Media
2017-10-27 delete otherexecutives Melissa Goidel
2017-10-27 insert otherexecutives Lisa Valentino
2017-10-27 delete person Joe Marchese
2017-10-27 delete person Malcolm CasSelle
2017-10-27 delete person Melissa Goidel
2017-10-27 insert person Domenic Venuto
2017-10-27 insert person Ed Davis
2017-10-27 insert person Timothy Knight
2017-10-27 update person_title Jesse Angelo: CEO & Publisher, New York Post / News Corp. => Chief of Digital Advertising Solutions and CEO / Publisher, the New York Post / News Corp.
2017-10-27 update person_title Lisa Valentino: SVP Network Sales Partnerships, CRO of Conde Nast Entertainment => Chief Revenue Officer
2017-09-17 update person_title Evan Silverman: SVP, Digital Media => EVP, Global Digital Products and Platforms
2017-08-06 delete otherexecutives John Kosner
2017-08-06 delete otherexecutives Phil Potloff
2017-08-06 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2017-08-06 delete person John Kosner
2017-08-06 delete person Phil Potloff
2017-08-06 insert person Stephen Gandee
2017-08-06 insert person Susan Fox
2017-07-09 delete person Domenic Venuto
2017-07-09 delete person Jordan Jayson
2017-07-09 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2017-07-09 insert person Steven S. Suthiana
2017-05-23 delete ceo Neil Vogel
2017-05-23 delete evp Mark Lopez
2017-05-23 delete vp Deirdre Sullivan
2017-05-23 delete person Deirdre Sullivan
2017-05-23 delete person Karen Leever
2017-05-23 delete person Marie Svet
2017-05-23 delete person Mark Lopez
2017-05-23 delete person Neil Vogel
2017-05-23 delete person Nicki Purcell
2017-05-23 delete person Tamara Franklin
2017-05-23 insert person Kinsey Wilson
2017-05-23 insert person Michael Bishara
2017-05-23 insert person Sameer Deen
2017-05-23 insert person Steven Smith
2017-05-23 insert person Vikki Neil
2017-05-23 update person_title Melissa Chickering: VP, Marketing / BBC => VP of Marketing, BBC Global News North America / BBC
2017-04-04 delete person Eamonn Store
2017-04-04 delete person Jim Spanfeller
2017-04-04 delete person Kurt Mueller
2017-04-04 delete person Liz Raisig
2017-04-04 insert person Dr. Yaser Bishr
2017-04-04 insert person Evelyn Webster
2017-04-04 insert person Marisa Russell
2017-04-04 insert person Melissa Chickering
2017-04-04 insert person Michael J. Mellis
2017-04-04 update person_title Leon Levitt: VP, Strategy / Cox Media Group => VP, Publisher / Fans 1st Media / Cox Media Group
2017-04-04 update person_title Sean Mario: Vice President of Media Operations and Ad Product Technology => Group Vice President of Media Operations and Ad Product Technology
2017-02-06 delete coo Julie Hansen
2017-02-06 delete otherexecutives Julie Hansen
2017-02-06 delete otherexecutives Michael Silberman
2017-02-06 delete otherexecutives Tamara Franklin
2017-02-06 delete president Julie Hansen
2017-02-06 delete treasurer Julie Hansen
2017-02-06 delete person Christopher Loretto
2017-02-06 delete person Jimmy Maymann
2017-02-06 delete person John Fiedler
2017-02-06 delete person Julie Hansen
2017-02-06 delete person Rachel Webber
2017-02-06 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2017-02-06 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2017-02-06 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2017-02-06 insert person Joe Marchese
2017-02-06 update person_title Beth Buehler: Member of the Executive Committee; Chief Operating Officer / Rodale, Inc.; SVP, Digital Operations & Strategy / Rodale, Inc. => Member of the Executive Committee; Chief Operating Officer / Rodale, Inc.
2017-02-06 update person_title M. Scott Havens: Member of the Executive Committee; Global Head of Digital, Bloomberg Media; Global Head of Digital => Member of the Executive Committee; Treasurer / Global Head of Digital; Global Head of Digital, Bloomberg Media
2017-02-06 update person_title Michael Silberman: Member of the Executive Committee; General Manager, Digital Media => Vice Chair of the Executive Committee; General Manager, Digital Media; Vice Chair / General Manager, Digital Media
2017-02-06 update person_title Tamara Franklin: Vice - Chair / Executive Vice President of Digital; Member of the Executive Committee; EVP, Digital => EVP, Digital
2017-01-09 delete person Declan Moore
2017-01-09 delete person Yadin Shemmer
2017-01-09 insert person Andrew Sollinger
2017-01-09 insert person Eamonn Store
2017-01-09 insert person Rachel Webber
2017-01-09 update person_title Darcy Keller: SVP, Communications & Marketing / Financial Times => Chief Communications & Marketing Officer / Financial Times
2017-01-09 update person_title Jesse Angelo: COO & Publisher, the New York Post / News Corp. => CEO & Publisher, the New York Post / News Corp.
2017-01-09 update person_title Kevin Gentzel: Revenue Officer => Chief Revenue Officer, USA Today Media Network
2016-12-05 delete otherexecutives Kevin Gentzel
2016-12-05 delete svp Kevin Gentzel
2016-12-05 delete person David Brinker
2016-12-05 delete person Mike Buckley
2016-12-05 insert person Jesse Angelo
2016-12-05 insert person Malcolm CasSelle
2016-12-05 update person_title Adam Symson: SVP, Chief Digital Officer / E.W. Scripps Company => Chief Operating Officer / E.W. Scripps Company
2016-12-05 update person_title Debby Krenek: SVP, Digital Media & Editorial Director => Co - Publisher
2016-12-05 update person_title Jennifer Wong: President, Digital / Time Inc. => COO & President, Digital / Time Inc.
2016-12-05 update person_title Kevin Gentzel: Chief Revenue Officer; SVP => Revenue Officer
2016-10-31 delete president Geoff Campbell
2016-10-31 insert ceo Stanley Fields
2016-10-31 delete person Christopher Jones
2016-10-31 delete person Geoff Campbell
2016-10-31 insert person John Fiedler
2016-10-31 insert person Sean Mario
2016-10-31 insert person Stanley Fields
2016-10-31 update person_title Ira Rubenstein: SVP & GM, PBS Digital & Marketing => Chief Digital & Marketing Officer
2016-10-03 delete ceo Neil Patel
2016-10-03 delete otherexecutives Andy Wilson
2016-10-03 delete svp Andy Wilson
2016-10-03 insert founder Neil Patel
2016-10-03 delete person Andy Wilson
2016-10-03 delete person John Ruvolo
2016-10-03 insert person Stan Pavlovsky
2016-10-03 update person_title Beth Buehler: Member of the Executive Committee; SVP, Digital Operations & Strategy / Rodale, Inc. => Member of the Executive Committee; Chief Operating Officer / Rodale, Inc.; SVP, Digital Operations & Strategy / Rodale, Inc.
2016-10-03 update person_title Neil Patel: Publisher; CEO => Publisher; Co - Founder
2016-09-05 delete ceo Avi Steinlauf
2016-09-05 insert otherexecutives Phil Potloff
2016-09-05 delete person Avi Steinlauf
2016-09-05 insert person Phil Potloff
2016-09-05 update person_title Ira Rubenstein: SVP & GM, PBS Digital => SVP & GM, PBS Digital & Marketing
2016-08-08 delete person Dan Suratt
2016-08-08 insert person Evan Silverman
2016-07-11 insert evp Mark Lopez
2016-07-11 insert otherexecutives Hamilton Fish
2016-07-11 delete person Erik Flannigan
2016-07-11 delete person Jeff Misenti
2016-07-11 delete person Kevin Conroy
2016-07-11 delete person Michael McAvoy
2016-07-11 insert person Hamilton Fish
2016-07-11 insert person Jason Jordan
2016-07-11 insert person Kurt Mueller
2016-07-11 insert person Mark Lopez
2016-05-11 delete ceo Guy Vidra
2016-05-11 delete person Guy Vidra
2016-05-11 insert person James Freiman
2016-04-13 delete ceo Michael McAvoy
2016-04-13 delete ceo Paul Greenberg
2016-04-13 delete ceo Stanley W. Fields
2016-04-13 delete coo Michael Finnegan
2016-04-13 delete otherexecutives Michael Zimbalist
2016-04-13 delete president Michael McAvoy
2016-04-13 delete president Steven Zatz
2016-04-13 insert president Geoff Campbell
2016-04-13 insert president Michael Finnegan
2016-04-13 insert vp Deirdre Sullivan
2016-04-13 delete person Denise Warren
2016-04-13 delete person Drew Schutte
2016-04-13 delete person Elisabeth DeMarse
2016-04-13 delete person Mark Johnson
2016-04-13 delete person Michael Zimbalist
2016-04-13 delete person Paul Greenberg
2016-04-13 delete person Stanley W. Fields
2016-04-13 delete person Steven Zatz
2016-04-13 insert person Christopher Jones
2016-04-13 insert person Deirdre Sullivan
2016-04-13 insert person Geoff Campbell
2016-04-13 insert person Lisa Valentino
2016-04-13 insert person Nick Johnson
2016-04-13 insert person Scott Bailey
2016-04-13 update person_title Debby Krenek: SVP, Digital Media => SVP, Digital Media & Editorial Director
2016-04-13 update person_title Leonora Wiener: VP, Brand, Product Strategy & Integration => SVP, Brand & Strategy
2016-04-13 update person_title Michael Finnegan: COO => President
2016-04-13 update person_title Michael McAvoy: CEO; President => President & CEO / Onion, Inc.
2016-02-24 delete otherexecutives David Payne
2016-02-24 delete otherexecutives Drew Schutte
2016-02-24 delete otherexecutives Kevin Conroy
2016-02-24 delete president Alex Skatell
2016-02-24 insert ceo Alex Skatell
2016-02-24 insert otherexecutives Julie Hansen
2016-02-24 insert otherexecutives Kevin Gentzel
2016-02-24 insert otherexecutives Krishan Bhatia
2016-02-24 insert otherexecutives Michael Zimbalist
2016-02-24 insert svp Kevin Gentzel
2016-02-24 insert treasurer Julie Hansen
2016-02-24 delete person David Payne
2016-02-24 update person_title Alex Skatell: Founder; President => CEO; Founder
2016-02-24 update person_title Christy Tanner: Member of the Executive Committee; SVP & GM, CBSNews Digital => Member of the Executive Committee; Co - Chair / SVP & GM, CBSNews Digital; SVP & GM, CBSNews Digital
2016-02-24 update person_title Dan Suratt: EVP, Digital Media, Brand & Content Licensing => President, Corporate Development, Strategy & Investments
2016-02-24 update person_title Drew Schutte: Member of the Executive Committee; Publisher & Chief Revenue Officer, Details; Treasurer / Executive Vice President and Publisher of DETAILS => Publisher & Chief Revenue Officer, Details
2016-02-24 update person_title Jed Hartman: Chief Revenue Officer => Member of the Executive Committee; Secretary; Chief Revenue Officer
2016-02-24 update person_title Julie Hansen: President; COO => Member of the Executive Committee; President; Treasurer; COO
2016-02-24 update person_title Kevin Conroy: Chief Strategy Officer, Chief Data Officer and President, Enterprise Development / Univision Communications, Inc.; Member of the Executive Committee; Chief Strategy Officer, Chief Data Officer and President, Enterprise Development => Chief Strategy Officer, Chief Data Officer and President, Enterprise Development
2016-02-24 update person_title Kevin Gentzel: Chief Digital Officer, Gannett Co => Chief Revenue Officer; SVP
2016-02-24 update person_title Krishan Bhatia: Vice Chair of the Executive Committee; EVP, Digital Strategy & Operations; Vice Chair / Executive Vice President, Business Operations and Strategy => Member of the Executive Committee; Executive Vice President, Business Operations and Strategy, Advertising Sales
2016-02-24 update person_title Marty Moe: Member of the Executive Committee; President => Member of the Executive Committee; President; Co - Chair / President
2016-02-24 update person_title Michael Zimbalist: Chairman of the Executive Committee; Chairman / Senior Vice President, Advertising Products and Research & Development; SVP, Advertising Products and Research & Development => Member of the Executive Committee; SVP, Advertising Products and Research & Development; Special Advisor, Outgoing Chair / Senior Vice President, Advertising Products and Research & Development
2016-02-24 update person_title Tamara Franklin: Member of the Executive Committee; Executive Vice President of Digital => Vice - Chair / Executive Vice President of Digital; Member of the Executive Committee; EVP, Digital
2016-01-27 delete svp Christy Tanner
2016-01-27 insert president Steven Zatz
2016-01-27 delete person Clare Martorana
2016-01-27 delete person Danna Rabin
2016-01-27 delete person Lisa Ryan Howard
2016-01-27 delete person Nick Ascheim
2016-01-27 delete person Paul Maya
2016-01-27 delete person Sean Atkins
2016-01-27 insert person Domenic Venuto
2016-01-27 insert person Jennifer Wong
2016-01-27 insert person Jordan Jayson
2016-01-27 insert person Karen Leever
2016-01-27 insert person Kevin Gentzel
2016-01-27 insert person Liz Raisig
2016-01-27 insert person Steven Zatz
2016-01-27 insert person Yadin Shemmer
2016-01-27 update person_title Christy Tanner: Member of the Executive Committee; Senior Vice President; General Manager; SVP & GM, CBSi Media Group => Member of the Executive Committee; SVP & GM, CBSNews Digital
2016-01-27 update person_title Darcy Keller: SVP, Corporate Affairs / Financial Times => SVP, Communications & Marketing / Financial Times
2016-01-27 update person_title Debby Krenek: SVP, Digital Media & Editorial Director => SVP, Digital Media
2016-01-27 update person_title Declan Moore: Member of the Executive Committee; Chief Media Officer / National Geographic => Member of the Executive Committee; Chief Executive Officer / National Geographic
2016-01-27 update person_title Jim Kennedy: SVP, Strategic Planning => SVP, Strategy & Enterprise Development
2016-01-27 update person_title Krishan Bhatia: Vice Chair of the Executive Committee; EVP, Digital Strategy & Operations; Vice Chair / Executive Vice President, Digital Strategy & Operations => Vice Chair of the Executive Committee; EVP, Digital Strategy & Operations; Vice Chair / Executive Vice President, Business Operations and Strategy
2016-01-27 update person_title Scott Havens: SVP, Digital / Time Inc. => Global Head of Digital, Bloomberg Media
2015-10-27 insert ceo Paul Greenberg
2015-10-27 delete person Matt Turck
2015-10-27 insert person Dan Check
2015-10-27 insert person David Brinker
2015-10-27 insert person John Ruvolo
2015-10-27 insert person Paul Greenberg
2015-10-27 update person_title Christopher Loretto: EVP, Digital => EVP, Sales & Digital
2015-10-27 update person_title Drew Schutte: Member of the Executive Committee; Treasurer / Executive Vice President and Publisher of DETAILS; EVP & Publisher, Details => Member of the Executive Committee; Publisher & Chief Revenue Officer, Details; Treasurer / Executive Vice President and Publisher of DETAILS
2015-10-27 update person_title Erik Flannigan: EVP, Multi - Platform Strategy & Development, Viacom Entertainment Group / Viacom Media Networks => EVP, Music, Talent & Multi - Platform Strategy
2015-10-27 update person_title Jimmy Maymann: CEO, the Huffington Post / AOL, Inc. => Executive Vice President and President, AOL Content & Consumer Brands / AOL, Inc.
2015-10-27 update person_title Marie Svet: Chief Revenue Officer / AccuWeather => Global Chief Revenue Officer / AccuWeather
2015-09-29 delete ceo Jim Bankoff
2015-09-29 delete chairman Jim Bankoff
2015-09-29 insert ceo Guy Vidra
2015-09-29 insert ceo Michael McAvoy
2015-09-29 insert coo Michael Finnegan
2015-09-29 insert otherexecutives Marty Moe
2015-09-29 insert president Marty Moe
2015-09-29 insert president Michael McAvoy
2015-09-29 delete person Anthony DeMaio
2015-09-29 delete person Jim Bankoff
2015-09-29 delete person Maureen Sullivan
2015-09-29 insert person Denise Warren
2015-09-29 insert person Guy Vidra
2015-09-29 insert person Jimmy Maymann
2015-09-29 insert person Marty Moe
2015-09-29 insert person Matt Turck
2015-09-29 insert person Michael Finnegan
2015-09-29 insert person Michael McAvoy
2015-09-29 update person_title Kevin Conroy: President of Digital and Enterprise Development / Univision Communications, Inc.; Member of the Executive Committee; Chief Strategy Officer, Chief Data Officer and President, Enterprise Development => Chief Strategy Officer, Chief Data Officer and President, Enterprise Development / Univision Communications, Inc.; Member of the Executive Committee; Chief Strategy Officer, Chief Data Officer and President, Enterprise Development
2015-09-29 update person_title Nicki Purcell: VP, Digital => Chief Digital Officer & SVP, Consumer Sales
2015-06-08 insert founder Alex Skatell
2015-06-08 insert otherexecutives Melissa Goidel
2015-06-08 insert president Alex Skatell
2015-06-08 insert person Adam Symson
2015-06-08 insert person Alex Skatell
2015-06-08 insert person Melissa Goidel
2015-05-09 delete person Jim Candor
2015-05-09 delete person Jon Slade
2015-05-09 delete person Tom Wiley
2015-05-09 insert person Christopher Loretto
2015-05-09 insert person Darcy Keller
2015-05-09 insert person Marie Svet
2015-05-09 update person_title Mark Johnson: Vice President, Business Operations => SVP, Digital - Turner Sports
2015-04-08 delete person Dave King
2015-04-08 insert person Mike Buckley
2015-04-08 update person_title Ira Rubenstein: GM, PBS Digital => SVP & GM, PBS Digital
2015-03-11 delete ceo Elisabeth DeMarse
2015-03-11 delete chairman Elisabeth DeMarse
2015-03-11 delete coo Danna Rabin
2015-03-11 delete otherexecutives Debby Krenek
2015-03-11 delete president Neil Vogel
2015-03-11 delete president Steven Zatz
2015-03-11 delete svp Debby Krenek
2015-03-11 delete person Steven Zatz
2015-03-11 insert person Leonora Wiener
2015-03-11 insert person Lisa Ryan Howard
2015-03-11 update person_title Beth Buehler: SVP, Digital => SVP, Digital Operations & Strategy / Rodale, Inc.
2015-03-11 update person_title Christy Tanner: Member of the Executive Committee; Senior Vice President; SVP & GM; General Manager => Member of the Executive Committee; Senior Vice President; General Manager; SVP & GM, CBSi Media Group
2015-03-11 update person_title Dan Suratt: EVP, Digital Media & Business Development => EVP, Digital Media, Brand & Content Licensing
2015-03-11 update person_title Danna Rabin: COO => COO / Vocativ, LLC
2015-03-11 update person_title Debby Krenek: SVP; Editorial Director => SVP, Digital Media & Editorial Director
2015-03-11 update person_title Drew Schutte: Member of the Executive Committee; Treasurer / Executive Vice President and Publisher of DETAILS; EVP, Chief Integration Officer, Conde Nast Media Group => Member of the Executive Committee; Treasurer / Executive Vice President and Publisher of DETAILS; EVP & Publisher, Details
2015-03-11 update person_title Elisabeth DeMarse: Chairman; Chief Executive Officer => Chairman, President & Chief Executive Officer / TheStreet, Inc.
2015-03-11 update person_title Jim Kennedy: SVP, Strategy & Digital Products => SVP, Strategic Planning
2015-03-11 update person_title Jon Slade: Managing Director, B2C Operations / Financial Times => Managing Director, B2C / Financial Times
2015-03-11 update person_title Kevin Conroy: President of Digital and Enterprise Development / Univision Communications, Inc.; Member of the Executive Committee => President of Digital and Enterprise Development / Univision Communications, Inc.; Member of the Executive Committee; Chief Strategy Officer, Chief Data Officer and President, Enterprise Development
2015-03-11 update person_title Maureen Sullivan: President, AOL.Com and Lifestyle Brands => President, AOL.Com and Lifestyle Brands / AOL, Inc.
2015-03-11 update person_title Michael Silberman: GM, Digital Media => General Manager, Digital Media
2015-03-11 update person_title Michael Zimbalist: Chairman of the Executive Committee; Chairman / Senior Vice President, Advertising Products and Research & Development; SVP, Advertising Products and Research & Development / the New York Times Company => Chairman of the Executive Committee; Chairman / Senior Vice President, Advertising Products and Research & Development; SVP, Advertising Products and Research & Development
2015-03-11 update person_title Neil Vogel: CEO; President => CEO
2015-03-11 update person_title Nick Ascheim: SVP, Digital Media / BBC => SVP, Consumer Digital / BBC
2015-03-11 update person_title Paul Maya: Global Head of Bloomberg Digital => Global Head & GM of Digital
2015-03-11 update person_title Sean Atkins: GM / SVP, Discovery Digital Media & Consumer Products / Discovery Communications, Inc. => GM / EVP, Discovery Digital Media & Strategy / Discovery Communications, Inc.
2015-02-04 delete evp Tom Wiley
2015-02-04 delete svp David Payne
2015-02-04 delete svp Sean Weglage
2015-02-04 insert ceo Jim Bankoff
2015-02-04 insert ceo Neil Patel
2015-02-04 insert ceo Stanley W. Fields
2015-02-04 insert chairman Jim Bankoff
2015-02-04 insert coo Danna Rabin
2015-02-04 insert coo Julie Hansen
2015-02-04 insert coo Loren Mayor
2015-02-04 insert otherexecutives Declan Moore
2015-02-04 insert otherexecutives Drew Schutte
2015-02-04 insert otherexecutives Jed Hartman
2015-02-04 insert otherexecutives John Kosner
2015-02-04 insert otherexecutives Kevin Conroy
2015-02-04 insert otherexecutives Martin Nisenholtz
2015-02-04 insert president Julie Hansen
2015-02-04 delete person Andrea Ching
2015-02-04 delete person Bill Riordan
2015-02-04 delete person Charlie Speight
2015-02-04 delete person Inbar Barak
2015-02-04 delete person Lauren Stanich
2015-02-04 delete person Mike Cagnazzi
2015-02-04 delete person Neil Johnston
2015-02-04 delete person Rob Grimshaw
2015-02-04 delete person Sean Weglage
2015-02-04 delete person Steve Stup
2015-02-04 insert person Anthony DeMaio
2015-02-04 insert person Beth Buehler
2015-02-04 insert person Clare Martorana
2015-02-04 insert person Danna Rabin
2015-02-04 insert person Declan Moore
2015-02-04 insert person Ira Rubenstein
2015-02-04 insert person Jed Hartman
2015-02-04 insert person Jim Bankoff
2015-02-04 insert person Jim Spanfeller
2015-02-04 insert person Jon Slade
2015-02-04 insert person Joshua Macht
2015-02-04 insert person Julie Hansen
2015-02-04 insert person Leon Levitt
2015-02-04 insert person Loren Mayor
2015-02-04 insert person Mark Johnson
2015-02-04 insert person Martin Nisenholtz
2015-02-04 insert person Michael Silberman
2015-02-04 insert person Neil Patel
2015-02-04 insert person Stanley W. Fields
2015-02-04 update person_title David Payne: Chief Digital Officer; SVP => Member of the Executive Committee; Secretary; Chief Digital Officer
2015-02-04 update person_title Drew Schutte: EVP, Chief Integration Officer, Conde Nast Media Group; Treasurer / EVP, Chief Integration Officer, Condé Nast Media Group => Member of the Executive Committee; Treasurer / Executive Vice President and Publisher of DETAILS; EVP, Chief Integration Officer, Conde Nast Media Group
2015-02-04 update person_title John Kosner: Executive Vice President, ESPN Digital and Print Media => Member of the Executive Committee; Executive Vice President, ESPN Digital and Print Media; Special Advisor, Former Chair / Executive Vice President, Digital & Print Media
2015-02-04 update person_title Kevin Conroy: President, Digital and Enterprise Development => President of Digital and Enterprise Development / Univision Communications, Inc.; Member of the Executive Committee
2015-02-04 update person_title Krishan Bhatia: Secretary / EVP, Digital Strategy & Operations; EVP, Digital Strategy & Operations => Vice Chair of the Executive Committee; EVP, Digital Strategy & Operations; Vice Chair / Executive Vice President, Digital Strategy & Operations
2015-02-04 update person_title Michael Zimbalist: SVP, Advertising Products and Research & Development / the New York Times Company; Vice Chair / SVP, Advertising Products and Research & Development => Chairman of the Executive Committee; Chairman / Senior Vice President, Advertising Products and Research & Development; SVP, Advertising Products and Research & Development / the New York Times Company
2015-02-04 update person_title Tom Wiley: EVP => Executive Vice President / Sales
2014-12-06 delete otherexecutives Kevin Gentzel
2014-12-06 delete email
2014-12-06 delete person Kevin Gentzel
2014-12-06 delete phone 212.918.2026
2014-12-06 insert email
2014-12-06 insert person Steve Stup
2014-12-06 insert phone 212.918.2040
2014-12-06 update person_title Rob Grimshaw: Chairman / Managing Director, FT.Com / Financial; Managing Director, FT.Com / Financial Times => Managing Director, FT.Com / Financial Times